Wed 28 Oct, 2009 07:13 pm
they (republicans) would like to look at people as individuals

the Democrats have done nothing for you

indeed a wonderful use of logic Okie, do you look at democrats as individuals?
0 Replies
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 07:29 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I would have at least thought I'd see some people call her out when she called me a racist though; it was uncalled for and unfounded. But everyone but myself let it go unchallenged. Like they're afraid of pissing her off.

That kind of behavior is uncalled for. But it's what one has come to expect on this board.

She's getting added to my ignore list as well. I don't think I've ever read something by her that I thought I could live without.
cicerone imposter
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 08:29 pm
maporsche, A little suggestion if you please; still read her once in awhile, and try to see things from her POV. Just give it a shot to see if you can (somehow) fit into her shoes to find out if your views need to consider other's experiences that are at loggerheads with yours. Just a thought.

I get a bit touchy about discrimination myself, and probably look overly-sensitive on the topic. My POV stems from my personal experiences that are probably 180 degrees off of yours.
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 08:35 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Some people are able to discuss their POV w/o throwing insults at other posters.

I probably have thin skin; but screw it. I post on this board for my enjoyment and to gain knowledge. If a poster, through their direct insults or strange posting styles causes me to have less enjoyment AND if I've noticed that I don't gain much knowledge from them, well, it's in my interest to ignore them and enjoy myself more.

I've placed 2 individuals (other than the Lovatts people) on ignore now and my enjoyment has assuradly increased. I'm actually finding myself reading posts from posters who've I had little interaction with in the past because I was so busy arguing or 'defending' myself from insults or unfounded attacks, or sifting through the same post by the same poster over and over and over.

I don't need the stress in my life just to gain a little perspective from someone as hateful as teenyboone appears to be. I just don't need it, and Robert as given me the tools to ignore it much easier.

Behaviors have consequences. I'm sure it won't bother her one bit; but will make me much happier.
cicerone imposter
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 08:51 pm
Most of us are active on a2k for the purposes you mention; entertainment and knowledge. When any poster makes our experience less enjoyable, we have the choice to Ignore them.

I insult people (almost) every day; the same people who post without any knowledge or evidence for what they say will be challenged. I will not let extremists get away with spreading BS or falsehoods; that's what keeps me "entertained."

Besides, they have the same "freedoms" to challenge what I post.
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 08:53 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Everyone's enjoyment is different. I tend to enjoy myself more when I'm not being called a racist or a lazy POS.

I don't mind being challenged, it is after all how we learn, but the personal attacks are where I'm drawing my line.
0 Replies
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 09:24 pm
maporsche wrote:
I'm actually finding myself reading posts from posters who've I had little interaction with in the past because I was so busy arguing or 'defending' myself from insults or unfounded attacks, or sifting through the same post by the same poster over and over and over.

I don't need the stress in my life just to gain a little perspective from someone as hateful as teenyboone appears to be. I just don't need it, and Robert as given me the tools to ignore it much easier.

Behaviors have consequences. I'm sure it won't bother her one bit; but will make me much happier.

Good for you. I started out on this board with the idea of never ignoring anyone, but finally concluded like you that I could do without insults. I appreciate well reasoned opinions without insults, but the insults are unnecessary. I now have several posters on ignore, and I too have found things much better here. Even cyclops, with whom I rarely agree with and we are almost 180 degrees out of phase, at least he posts some reasons for his beliefs. Insults without any reasoning I can do without.

I can tell from your posts that we disagree on quite a bit, but you come across as a decent nice person that posts reasons for your opinions. That is appreciated.

To conclude, actually I thought teeny has been a cut above the worst here, she has addressed some of my posts with some fairly reasonable opinions, but I agree she seems to be hung up on race, but that is why I tried to appeal to her sense of reason by pointing out the fallacies of her thinking in that area.
Wed 28 Oct, 2009 09:32 pm
okie wrote:

I can tell from your posts that we disagree on quite a bit, but you come across as a decent nice person that posts reasons for your opinions. That is appreciated.

Thank you, and I feel likewise. It's fine to disagree with people, and I don't ignore people simply because I disagree with them either.


To conclude, actually I thought teeny has been a cut above the worst here, she has addressed some of my posts with some fairly reasonable opinions, but I agree she seems to be hung up on race, but that is why I tried to appeal to her sense of reason by pointing out the fallacies of her thinking in that area.

She has been responding to your posts, and I did give her a chance to explain what I had done to deserve such a type-lashing. She refused and continued to insult me.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 05:35 am
Your statement speaks for itself. First of all, my comments are meant to keep you aware of the fact that while you "pretend" to overlook the fact that Obama IS Black, the racial references to his being Islamic instead of American, with the continuous reference to his middle name, that if he isn't Islamic, he's certainly a "communist" and if he isn't a commie, he HAS to be a Socialist, right?

As far as the 3 virtually "black" people you mentioned, as in the head of the republican party, Ms. Rice and Justice Thomas, they are 3 "certified" PAID "OREOS"! Black on the outside, WHITE on the inside. If you haven't lived as a Black person for the last 200 years, you don't have a "clue"! 3 known "SELLOUTS" of the African-American Community, while prominent in all things politics, irrelevant in the Black Community. They are in the spotlight, only to justify a "white" world, they would LOVE to immerse themselves in.

What do I mean? They HATE the fact, they were unfortunately born into the Black race. They hate Blacks more than Whites hate Blacks. I don't mean ALL whites. They are in the minority. I'm talking whites, who parade as legislators, tv personalities and talk radio broadcasters because they feel an entitlement, artificially created in the 18th century, to justify slavery and to perpetuate a sense of superiority against ANYONE not like them. Remember the "macaca" reference to a hispanic-American that was native-born, but the Virginian making the reference, was too ignorant to realize just how diverse this country was/is. You tell me!

It's like you want to totally ignore the fact that "race" drives politics in every facet of American life. Do any of you remember the "skinheads" that paraded through Skokie, IL, to rile up the Jews living there? Else why is there such an anti everything in referece to the 1st Black President? Obama wants bi-partisanship in Washington. Instead, he gets negative everything from the ultra-conservative, far right wing of Republicans and so-called "Blue Dog" Democrats, whatever they are. Just let a Black person give their opinion on anything and like this group, you want to "ignore", deny and repudiate anyone for driving the "race" card, as you call it.

As long as I'm in this group, I won't let you forget it! As smart as they appear to be, Bill and Hillary Clinton are as "racists" as the right wing they deplore. Clinton balanced the budget, off the backs of poor whites and blacks, a group HE came from, changing welfare as WE know it and while some Blacks still drool over Bill and Hillary, they showed their TRUE colors, during the race for the presidency. They are LOST to progressives whites and Blacks like me, forever! So go on, call me whatever you like. You know I know what time it is, so ignore history. You're doomed to repeat it!
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 05:51 am
No, I won't! I am in TOTAL agreement with CI. I probably have a few more "ain't with that", Obama than CI has. CI doesn't EVEN have to be careful. I am a Progressive, that happens to be Black as an incidental. Born in the mid-40's while my father was fighting for Democracy in WWII, only to return to a United States, that didn't recognize his service. I attended elementary school, beginning in 1949-1962. I came up under Jim Crow, segregation and the "separate but not equal" system in the deep South. Pardon me, if I "curb your enthusiasm", considered yourselves "liberal" even though you couldn't spot a liberal, if you saw one. You're liberal until a Black college professor, doctor, lawyer or factory worker tries to move into your neighborhood, schools or is better qualified on the job. You see every upwardly mobile move by a Black as "affirmative action" not qualification.

Think all Blacks emanate from 1 parent homes, etc., but you can thank the Rockefeller Drug laws, profiling and incarceration over rehabilitation, for the reason over 2 million Blacks are in prison. Since 1964, these statistics turned from white to black, driven by legislation, meant to keep blacks from voting and taking part in the election process, which perpetually keeps people of color from integrating into the so called "melting pot". A perpetual "underclass" in America! You're pitiful!
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 05:53 am
You can think whatever you like, but you are the one that's rude, hateful and I must say, ignorant. We agree to disagree.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:05 am

Teeny, I would invite you to join the conservative ranks, an idealogy that focuses on the higher and more uplifting goals, that we the people through hard work, individual responsibility and liberty, we can do better than an over intrusive and monster government that wants to solve every problem for us. The big government party is the Democrats. That road leads us downhill, to a place we don't want to be.

That's the biggest boatload of propaganda, I've ever heard so far. It's in all of the history books, too. What in the world do you think slaves were doing? Resting on their laurels? Do you also "buy the lie" that Blacks don't want to get ahead? Ask yourself how, if blacks don't grow it and ship it, do drugs get into the Black Community? Just shows up? It's "planned genocide"; brought in by the CIA by air and their operatives and make sure it goes to the Black communities nationwide. How else could a plane LOADED with cocaine crash in Arkansas, no less, while Clinton was the President? A man named Hasenfus was the pilot and crash-landed into a private airfield run by the CIA which is your government! Before that, I could never figure how how drugs made it exclusively into the Black Community.

Now you have white kids overdosing on chrystal meth, made at home by kids, whose parents are unsuspecting. Kids taking their parents pain killers, selling pain killers and as a Black wonder what is wrong with them? Kids having illegal alcohol parties, because they aren't taught the "art" of socialization at home. My background is European, where wine was served to us, as kids. Everybody had an aperitif glass at their right. I've never binged, never arrested, etc., because drinking was a part of the ritual of dining. No, I didn't come from the "ghetto" either. Didn't know what it was supposed to be until my father pointed out a housing project. So when you think I'm being racist, it shows how little YOU know, about Black life in America.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:06 am
@cicerone imposter,
You must still be the only one in this group with ANY smarts! Thank you.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:10 am
@cicerone imposter,
As in a BOAT-LOAD of lies. Name your subject; it's all here!
It's so good to have someone here, that knows what the hell happened!
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 06:21 am
Racist? You? Hardly. Merely ignorant. Isn't it C.I. that always claims there is no cure for stupid? That's why you get ignored, because there is no cure for you.
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:04 am
I read an article about how overstated the jobs created by the stimulus was first reported so I know it is going to brought here.

WASHINGTON " An early progress report on President Obama's economic recovery plan overstates by thousands the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, a mistake that White House officials promise will be corrected in future reports.
The government's first accounting of jobs tied to the $787 billion stimulus program claimed more than 30,000 positions paid for with recovery money. But that figure is overstated by least 5,000 jobs, according to an Associated Press review of a sample of stimulus contracts.

The AP review found some counts were more than 10 times as high as the actual number of jobs; some jobs credited to the stimulus program were counted two and sometimes more than four times; and other jobs were credited to stimulus spending when none was produced.

For example:

• A company working with the Federal Communications Commission reported that stimulus money paid for 4,231 jobs, when about 1,000 were produced.

• A Georgia community college reported creating 280 jobs with recovery money, but none was created from stimulus spending.

• A Florida child care center said its stimulus money saved 129 jobs but used the money on raises for existing employees.

There's no evidence the White House sought to inflate job numbers in the report. But administration officials seized on the 30,000 figure as evidence that the stimulus program was on its way toward fulfilling the president's promise of creating or saving 3.5 million jobs by the end of next year.

The reporting problem could be magnified Friday when a much larger round of reports is expected to show hundreds of thousands of jobs repairing public housing, building schools, repaving highways and keeping teachers on local payrolls.

The White House says it is aware there are problems. In an interview, Ed DeSeve, an Obama adviser helping to oversee the stimulus program, said agencies have been working with businesses that received the money to correct mistakes. Other errors discovered by the public also will be corrected, he said.

"If there's an error that was made, let's get it fixed," DeSeve said.

The White House released a statement early Thursday that it said laid out the "real facts" about how jobs were counted in the stimulus data distributed two weeks ago. It said that had been a test run of a small subset of data that had been subjected only to three days of reviews, that it had already corrected "virtually all" the mistakes identified by the AP and that the discovery of mistakes "does not provide a statistically significant indication of the quality of the full reporting that will come on Friday."

The data partially reviewed by the AP for errors included all the data presently available, representing all known federal contracts awarded to businesses under the stimulus program. The figures being released Friday include different categories of stimulus spending by state governments, housing authorities, nonprofit groups and other organizations.

As of early Thursday, on its recovery.org website, the government was still citing 30,383 as the actual number of jobs linked so far to stimulus spending, despite the mistakes the White House has now acknowledged and said were being corrected.

It's not clear just how far off the 30,000 claim was. The AP's review was not an exhaustive accounting of all 9,000 contracts, but homed in on the most obvious cases where there were indications of duplications or misinterpretations.

While the thousands of overstated jobs represent a tiny sliver of the overall economy, they represent a significant percentage of the initial employment count credited to the stimulus program.

Tom Gavin, a spokesman for the White House budget office, attributed the errors to officials as well as recipients having to conduct such reporting for the first time.

In fact, the AP review shows some businesses undercounted the number of jobs funded under the stimulus program by not reporting jobs saved.

Here are some of the findings:

• Colorado-based Teletech Government Solutions on a $28.3 million contract with the Federal Communications Commission for creation of a call center, reported creating 4,231 jobs, although 3,000 of those workers were paid for five weeks or less.

"We all felt it was an appropriate way to represent the data at the time" and the reporting error has been corrected, said company president Mariano Tan.

• The Toledo, Ohio-based Koring Group received two FCC contracts, again for call centers. It reported hiring 26 people for each contract, or a total of 52 jobs, but cited the same workers for both contracts. The jobs only lasted about two months.

The FCC spotted the problem. The company's owner, Steve Holland, acknowledged the actual job count is closer to five and blamed the problem on confusion about the reporting.

The AP's review identified nearly 600 contracts claiming stimulus money for more than 2,700 jobs that appear to have similar duplicated counts.

• Barbara Moore, executive director of the Child Care Association of Brevard County in Cocoa, Florida, reported that the $98,669 she received in stimulus money saved 129 jobs at her center, though the cash was used to give her 129 employees a 3.9% cost-of-living raise. She said she needed to boost their salaries because some workers had left "because we had not been able to give them a raise in four years."

• Officials at East Central Technical College in Douglas, Georgia, said they now know they shouldn't have claimed 280 stimulus jobs linked to more than $200,000 to buy trucks and trailers for commercial driving instruction, and a modular classroom and bathroom for a health education program.

"It was an error on someone's part," said Mike Light, spokesman for the Technical College System of Georgia. The 280 were not jobs, but the number of students who would benefit, he said.

• The San Joaquin, California, Regional Rail Commission reported creating or saving 125 jobs as part of a stimulus project to lay railroad track. Because the project drew from two pools of money, the commission reported the jobs figure twice, bringing the total to 250 on the government report. Spokesman Thomas Reeves said the commission corrected the data Tuesday.

0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:08 am
In some good news :

Recession unofficially ends as economy grows

0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:24 am
Or YOU, for that matter! For you, ignorance is BLISS!
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:31 am
for me the childish name calling is the bliss
0 Replies
Thu 29 Oct, 2009 07:43 am
Racist? You? Hardly. Merely ignorant. Isn't it C.I. that always claims there is no cure for stupid? That's why you get ignored, because there is no cure for you.

Ignorant? McGentrix, is that the best you can do? I'm not ignoring what teenyboone has said, it's compelling and truthful. What I find so exhausting about the racism issue isn't that it exists, it's that so many people out there refuse to acknowlege it exists.

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