To discuss some of the points you made, I do not believe Obama is approaching the problems properly withe the correct policies. The 2 wars, he doesn't even talk to his commanders enough to find out what is going on, and I think that is incompetence and irresponsibility. The economy, it is now his economy, he cannot forever blame this on Bush, and he has done nothing in my opinion that will fix the underlying causes of this economy. Everything he has done is window dressing, thats all, of minimal positive effect and all of which passes on with no lasting effect. In fact, they merely intensify the causes that brought us here in the first place, higher debts, etc.
The subject of Bush contracting out stuff, every president has done that, this is nothing unique to Bush, so I think you have been reading too much anti Bush propaganda. Historical artifacts in Iraq, sure, that is no surprise, but we did in fact minimize that and chose our targets carefully. Also most looting was done by the people of Iraq, not us, so please do not blame that on Bush. Vietnam, it was a Democrat president that took us there, but remember it was communism we were opposing, and from the information I have seen of late, the Vietnamese people like us, particularly those that had contact with us during the war, and the country is changing, opening up, and instituting greater freedoms because of them tasting a bit of freedom those many long years ago.
I do not believe that America can retract into a shell and not participate around the world in the interest of freedom, liberty, and decency. Especially given the fact that millions of people are being taught hatred, and the fact that a product of that hatred caused airliners to fly into our cities and buildings to result in terrible carnage and death. We cannot sit idly by and be silent about this. And the idea that somehow we caused this by our past actions is nothing more than hogwash and nonsense. Therefore, I resent a president that goes around the world apologizing. We have not been perfect, but we have much to be proud of, and because of us the world is better off than it would have been. I do not advance the idea that we can solve every problem in the world, however we should not go to the other extreme either.
One of the enemies of decency and liberty is communism, and strangely we now have people in the administration with sympathies toward those idealogies. Even Obama himself, I am not sure of. We live in troubled times, and I intend to stand for what is decent and right, which is freedom and liberty, capitalism, free markets, individual responsibility and individual freedom, plus a more responsible, smaller, and less intrusive government. The Republican Party is not perfect but it now gives us the best hope for those principles.
Teeny, I would invite you to join the conservative ranks, an idealogy that focuses on the higher and more uplifting goals, that we the people through hard work, individual responsibility and liberty, we can do better than an over intrusive and monster government that wants to solve every problem for us. The big government party is the Democrats. That road leads us downhill, to a place we don't want to be.