I think the important or salient point here is "did Obama lie?" Did the heckler act inappropriately, yes in my opinion. But was he correct? I am not sure, I think technically he may be wrong and Obama correct, but practically he was correct and Obama lied. Here are the reasons as I understand it. Using House Bill 3200, it does not explicitly include coverage for illegals, but it also provides no mechanism for establishing or identifying illegals or making sure that only legals are covered. Further, Obama and the Democrats have frequently talked about the 45 million or so uncovered, which everybody knows includes illegals, and this number is the group that they want to provide coverage for, so simple logic follows that their plan is to provide coverage for the people included in that number, as a practical result of their legislative plans, which therefore includes illegals.
So I believe it is entirely logical to assume that Obama is lying when one analyzes the practical results of what he talks about. Actually, Obama does not have anything that he has personally written down, and we as yet do not have anything really tangible to read except House Bill 3200, do we?
Conclusion, in my opinion, Obama lied, which is nothing new or unusual.
"Under H.R. 3200, a 'Health Insurance Exchange' would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option…H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens"whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently"participating in the Exchange."
CRS also notes that the bill has no provision for requiring those seeking coverage or services to provided proof of citizenship. So, absent some major amendments to the legislation and a credible, concrete enforcement effort in action, looks like the myth on this issue is the one being spread by Obama, Reid, Pelosi, et. al.