Since I did not attempt to color an entire group of legal and free transactions, your attempt to paint me into that mold is the unsmart thing. I believe I can defend my point of view. You cannot competently defend yours.
Of course you did; you are claiming that vendors who have never implied that their monies are going towards any candidate or group are being unethical, b/c they are not giving money from your purchases to said candidate or group.
IF someone had asked, 'is this money going to the McCain campaign?' and the lady had lied about that - yes, that's unethical. If she said 'I produced them myself for my own profit,' there's nothing unethical at all about that.
The problem here lies in YOUR ASSUMPTIONS, Fox, not the vendor's behavior. You should adjust your personal assumptions, because like I said - you know how that saying goes.
Well in some circles you are correct. Your circle apparently. But in my world if a vendor intentionally IMPLIES that a certain portion o all of their proceeds are going to a certain cause, I can perhaps be forgiven for choosing to trust him/her. I don't ask that Salvation Army bell ringer if he represents the Salvation Army. I don't ask the cashier at Micky D's if the change I toss into the Ronald McDonald House jar will be used for that purpose. Sometimes you just trust people's better qualities.
What makes that phony campaign worker so reprehensible is that she dishonestly exploits the trust of the people and thereby adds one more incident to encourage the world to be a less humane and hospitable place.
I don't believe the vendor implied they were a campaign worker at all; I believe you assumed that, Fox. Not a good move.
The worst you can accuse the vendor of is exploiting the ASSUMPTIONS of people. And all that makes you is a sucker, a mark. There's nothing wrong with separating marks from their money, it's economic Darwinism.