People are allowed to do that you know. It is our right to spend or not spend our money how we choose. For that matter, if a retailer thinks that the sale of a certain product is going to hurt the overall business, they can discontinue selling it or catering to vendors that sell it (assuming that it doesn't conflict with any previous contract).
What would be illegal is if the state or federal government stopped the sale of said items.
Let's speak frankly. If I was selling these kinds of products, I'd know my market better. The vendor isn't entitled to sell all of his products, they have to work to sell it. If you want to sell anti-Obama stuff go to your crowd. Go see if you can sell the stickers at a gun shop or some other place.
Geez. I thought the Republicans knew capitalism. They don't seem to know business.
This reminds me of the McCain rally I went to here in northern Virginia. I saw a lady spouting anti-Obama slogans and selling buttons. She got a lot of attention and sold a hell of a lot. I told her I didn't want a button or a shirt. Interestingly, later a friend found a video blogger who had attended the same rallies as me and thought I might appreciate it. When the McCain rally part happened, I saw the guy interview the same woman after the rally. she started the anti-Obama rant and then finally started to laugh and then took off her t-shirt to reveal that she was wearing an Obama shirt under it. she then counted all the money she made that day.
I laughed soooooooo hard. The Dems know business, they know capitalism.