I like Mr. Alford's attitude and confidence, and I sympathize with him when he makes it clear he doesn't want to hear Ms. Boxer preach at him, nor does he want to hear it about what the NAACP might say, as I think he is more interested in individuals, you can hear it in his voice, he does not need the NAACP to speak for him, or for an energy or environmental issue of all things. Amen, Mr. Alford, I love it. He is a great American. After all, what if there was a National Association for the Advancement of White People, how would that go over? And he is obviously proud of being a former military man, he obviously feels like he has paid his dues and has a right to his opinion, without regard to his color, black, brown, white, green, or yellow. I love it. I would like to see him be able to sit in Ms. Boxer's chair and give her a few lessons about what America is about. We need more guys like Mr. Alford to tell the Democrats where to go with their race baiting.
The Democrats are probably sending their attack dogs and investigators out right now to dig up dirt on Mr. Alford. Would not surprise me in the least.