Parados, I do not know exactly how many people are without health insurance, and neither do you.
Based upon my reading, if we can believe much of it, here is what I believe.
- There are probably more than 40 million people in the country without their own health insurance, either they purchased or by their employer. To begin with, this is only around 16% or so of the population without their own insurance. And, even though that minor percentage have no insurance of their own, a percentage of those are illegally here in this country and therefore are breaking the law regardless of health insurance or not, plus even those receive free health care when they show up at hospitals, etc. An additional percentage that are citizens are elgible for medicaid but have failed to avail themselves of it. Another additional percentage can afford health insurance of their own, but fail to do so, which is a failure of being responsible citizens, but they choose instead to buy other stuff with their money and make the rest of us pay for their health care.
The end result, this is an estimate, the number of actual citizens that do not or cannot be provided health insurance under the current situation is probably 5% or less. And it is important to realize this 5% or so is not a static portion of the population, it is a revolving door.
Does this sound like our current system is broken? My opinion is no, because nobody goes without health care, nobody, and secondly we sing about freedom in this country, lets practice it. Do we need to improve the situation, yes, do we need reform, yes, but the answer is not Obama care, no way. Lastly, I will say this, I have numerous friends and relatives, into the hundreds, and some are well to do but many are poor, even very poor. Do I know about anybody that has suffered because of lack of health care? The answer is no, none, zero. I am sure somebody here or the press can dredge up some horror story, but as we all know, there are numerous horror stories coming out of places that have universal health care.
My conclusion, fight Obama tooth and nail on this. He knows nothing about what he is trying to do, nothing, and it is not a crisis that can't wait until we at least get the facts straight.
This is nothing more than a power grab by Obama and those that think like him, thats all it is. He cares not a whit about us.