@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
It's amazing how these conservatives can determine the success or failure of any president after they've been in office for six months.
Yeah, and I recall the legislation had to be signed that day or that weekend, it was an emergency. Why? Why, if it has done almost nothing so far?
Democrats accused Bush of "rushing to war." Note this was after they approved the war, and after years upon years of cat and mouse with Hussein and many U.N. resolutions. Now the Dems are trying to rush health care reform down our collective throats in a few weeks or months? Why? Over 200 years without it, and all of a sudden Obama care has to be done now, right now? The Dems are acting like a bunch of spoiled children, they must have something right now. Obama was wrong on the economy, so why would anyone take his word on health care, or anything for that matter? He has no experience with anything he is doing now, none, before he became president. Why would anyone listen to him as if he is an expert on anything? He supposedly organized Chicago, but the neighborhoods he organized are still living in the same old run down housing projects.
Grow up, Democrats, lets shine the light of day on what all you are trying to do in Congress. Or does that make your legislation stall out because people begin to understand the negative stuff. I think we need a cooling off period, shelve the junk legislation Obama is ramming down our throats, like about a year or two, then lets see if people think they are needed.