kickycan wrote:
okie wrote:Obama was wrong on the economy, so why would anyone take his word on health care, or anything for that matter?
Interestingly, this is exactly how I and just about everyone on this site feel about you. You've been wrong about almost everything, yet you want people to take you seriously. We already had a moron who thought just like you running the country, and look at the mess we're in now. When will conservatives stop letting idiots like you be their spokespeople? Maybe when that happens, people will listen to them again. The best thing you could ever do for your party and your country is to just go away, you paranoid simpleton.
Actually, an interesting point. Bush was wrong on how many things? His tax cuts did stimulate the economy and we did not do badly following 911, not until 2008 did it sort of hit the skids, but I happen to believe we would be a whole lot better off right now with a conservative president since January. We essentially became successful in Iraq, after years of Democrats whining that we never had a chance. We never had an attack here, Bush was successful with national security. Bush was wrong on spending too much money on certain things, such as the prescription drug policy and no child left behind, but those are essentially liberal policies, not conservative policies.
It has been the liberal policies that have caused our housing crisis, which some believe served as the catalyst to the economy turning sour. To this day, we have no accountability with Fannie and Freddie, no investigations of corruption. Bush wanted to provide more oversight, but the Democrats told us no problem, yes, those same brilliant people that you now want to put your faith and trust in.
The "moron" you called Bush running the country was smarter than most of the posters here on A2K, and definitely smarter than Obama.
And since when have "conservatives" decided to have me be their spokesperson? I speak for myself, and nobody else, thank you. And when you call names, please choose at least one issue and provide evidence that your point 0f view can be supported by. Otherwise, you serve no purpose by simply throwing out accusations.