They're dumb alright; their next favorite is Sarah Palin. Dumb and dumber seems to describe conservatives as the party of "no" and no brains.
Have they offered any solutions to any of our current problems? If they have, I want to hear about it/them.
They're giving Palin two years to prepare for the 2012 elections; she's not capable of getting up to speed on anything important. Foreign affairs, diplomacy, knowledge about past and current issues/events both domestic and foreign, handle budgets that exceeds several trillion dollars, and Constitutional law. There's an excellent article on Palin in the current WSJ. A sub-heading says "Palin was bad for the Republicans - and the republic." Some of the statements: "In television interviews, she was out of her depth in a shallow pool. She couldn't say what she read because she didn't read anything. Her presentations up to the end has been has been scattered, illogical, manipulative and self-reverence. She makes the republican party look stupid, a party of the easily manipuatd." And so it goes.
The republican party needs another Palin like a hole in the head.