@cicerone imposter,
So my bro Jim was based in South Korea with the AF a few years ago, He went up to the DMZ, which is a couple of miles wide, filled with all kinds of defenses.
As yall know, N & S Korea never signed a truce agreement after their war some 60 years ago. Rather, they agreed to a ceasefire with talks to follow.
So, right on the dividing line, is a building, with exactly half of it in each country and a line painted down the middle of the room. The border. There is a table, half in the north and half in the south, with a microphone cable defining even that. Two armed soldiers, one from each side, face each other from a distance of 3 feet. Each wearing mirrored sunglasses.
Jim visited that building. And he walked all around that table. So, technically, he was in N Korea. He realizes that probably shouldn't count; but it is a cute story.