@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
No, there are plenty of stuff out there is web land that concludes the same thing.
So you are going to use the internet for evidence in a court of law? Good grief, ci, you have totally lost any common sense you ever had. There is stuff on the internet to convict anyone of anything.
There will be no charges because when the rubber meets the road, there is no substance to the charges. Face it, ci, its all been spin for the last 8 years, nothing more. The main one, WMD, half the world said Hussein had WMD before Bush even got to Washington, so you have played the fool for 8 years, believing all the garbage on the computer about Bush. And the pathetic Joseph Wilson, another guy whose own wife in her book admitted she feared WMD would be used on our troops as they entered Iraq, and she was a specialist in WMD.
Bush was going to declare martial law, remember that, and be a dictator, remember, the nuts were out in full force. The truth is you have nothing.
And in regard to so-called torture and secret prisons, get ready, Obama is going to have an out, he will not eliminate all options in regard to retaining terrorist suspects under special circumstances. And people in Kansas and Colorado are already lining up to keep these people out of their states, they belong offshore, thats the truth of the matter.
If you really wish to prosecute someone that clearly broke laws, why not convict FDR after his death, as a symbol and an example?