Okie- YOu may have learned by now that Cicerone Imposter is well named. He is indeed some sort of Imposter who almost never gives any evidence for his blatherings.
It is clear to anyone who wishes to examine the facts that the Obama Administration has done a TERRIBLE job in vetting their appointments and if their work in examining the backgrounds of the people they submit to the Congress for approval is anywhere near the work they do to try to prevent the US from being attacked by the fundamentalist radical Muslims, we are in bad trouble.
Wall Street Journal Feb. 2, 2009 P. A3
"Daschle faces questions on trips"
The vetting process for Daschle was obviously flawed.
Then the Obama Administration fumbled the ball when they nominated Richardson, who stepped aside in January over concerns that a grand jury investigation into how state contracts were issued to political donors.
Then the Obama Adminstration clearly fouled up the vetting process for the incoming Secretary of the Treasury who did not pay all of his income tax.
Okie, is there any efficiency in this process? Apparently not!!!