Roger, maybe it was an oversight, I thought about that, but as I understand it, it involves a Democrat friend and contributor providing him a car to the tune of a pretty hefty amount, such that he owes a hundred grand. Now, we are not talking about loaning him a car for a Sunday drive. This was four years of a car and driver given to him, a pretty expensive gift. I just have a very hard time believing Daschle is that stupid, after all he is a lawyer wise to the ways of finances, gifting, taxes, and all the rest. I guess I don't buy it.
In regard to Geithner, I think it is even more doubtful. I watched him testify, his eyes darting here and there, he looked like a caged fox explaining his way out, I just do not buy his claims. After all, here is another supposedly smart man, and no way does he not know the taxes needed to be declared as a self employed person. I don't buy it at all. Its not a few hundred dollars, it was tens of thousands.
Obama is cocky, he won, yes, that is a fact, but alot of people voted for him that will rethink their vote pretty quickly if this doesn't stop. He may be regarded as the Messiah by a few people, but not all of the voters, thats for sure. I think his political capital will shrink faster than he thinks, unless he can shut up the opposition.