okie wrote:
So if this was Bush, and Bush stared him down, this would be no big deal, Frank? I am just pointing it out, filing it away, so that if more of this side of Obama comes out, just don't claim I did not point it out, thats all.
I saw a glare during one of the debates with Hillary, that did not receive any press, but listen, you don't hang around angry people if you are not angry yourself. Just pointing it out, thats all. And I know cyclops will always defend Obama, no matter what he does until the day he dies, but I am posting interesting things like this for people that are willing to consider that Obama may not be what the press claims he is.
Hey, I don't always defend Obama.
For example, I'm pissed he's hiring an economic team with too many ties to companies on wall street I don't like.
I'm annoyed that he seems to be reluctant to put the screws to those who were running the financial institutions. I hope fervently that the FBI is just quietly building cases against lots of those fuckers.
I think he should not have hired lobbyists if he said he wasn't going to. I understand that not every lobbyist is a bad guy, and what 'lobbying' means is sometimes fungible; but it would have been better to just cut it off altogether, there are plenty of smart, capable people out there, just pick someone else.
But, on to the important part of your post:
Quote: So if this was Bush, and Bush stared him down, this would be no big deal, Frank? I am just pointing it out, filing it away, so that if more of this side of Obama comes out, just don't claim I did not point it out, thats all.
You never would have seen Bush stare anyone down. Yaknow, that's an important difference between the two of them; Bush was a fake tough guy, and Obama is the real deal. Glad you pointed that out.