I recommend using Tax Cut, which is put out by H&R Block. I have used Turbo Tax in the past and have had problems. I have had none with Tax Cut.
I used to use Tax Cut, but it had sort of a glaring problem, and I have gone to Turbo Tax on recommendation by others, but have not found it infinitely better either, but acceptable. Tax Cut may have fixed the problem that I encountered a few years ago, it had to do with an aspect of Schedule C I believe.
Obama out of the box, the blind leading the blind. Dud appointments plague Obama, such as Holder, Browner, and Geithner the tax cheat that seems rather unbelievable in my opinion, blames it on Turbo Tax, those folks can't be too happy. I could name other duds, but among them is Clinton, and for the life of me, why are sometimes reasonable Republicans supporting this woman for Secretary of State, after all the political donations from various countries and supporters from abroad, and after one of the most scandal ridden administrations ever! Some people have no backbone, none.
And big accomplishment, closing Gitmo, except nobody knows what to do with the people there, now that is stupid, how do you close something if you don't have a single clue what to do with the people held there? 911 victim relatives understandably not happy about this, and all of us should be unhappy about it. He is in such a hurry to prove he is so compassionately wise, that he ignores the consequences of his decision. No responsible president would make decisions in such a manner as to make a decision of ending a policy without having an acceptable alternative, especially after that policy was derived through careful study of the best experts applied to it, legal, military, and executive branch. So Obama simply ignores all of that without even taking time to study the details. Not a bright bulb, folks.
Hawkeye 10. Krugman wrote a letter to President Obama with some far reaching strongly left wing proposals. This letter appeared in the latest issue of Rolling Stone. it may be that Krugman is miffed because President Obama is apparently not following his suggestion.
Be careful, ci will accuse you of being totally ignorant, what Obama says has no impact on the market, or people's optimism, etc. How do I know that? ci and even realjohnboy told me that. So, obviously Krugman is extremely unusual, even rare to be a person that derives feelings from Obama's statements that might be pertinent to economic outlook that might affect the markets.
Quote:Krugman wrote a letter to President Obama with some far reaching strongly left wing proposals. This letter appeared in the latest issue of Rolling Stone. it may be that Krugman is miffed because President Obama is apparently not following his suggestion.
I don't know what Krugman wants to do, but considering that there is a rapidly forming consensus that we have no choice but to nationalize the banks it would have been nice to see Obama try to lead the public opinion effort in his speech. I want the general to be out front, not behind waiting for the conventional wisdom to tell him what do to. Given Obama's refusal to run Hillary through the knife we have reason to suspect that obama does not have the intestinal fortitude to get the nasty work done, his not using his speech to lay the groundwork for the people taking the banks is cause for worry that we will wait too long to get it done.
He seems pretty action packed to me so far. He's moved immediately and efficiently to get a couple of big things done. He's eliminating all traces of bush and his bullshit in pretty short order as he can... and there's no reason to think he won't act decisively on important issues. IMO.
@Bi-Polar Bear,
we shall see. In the meantime, he has to spend money to get his priorities set up while spending money to bail out banks while spending money to take care of the unemployed while checking to see if Social Security and Medicare costs are too high while keeping an eye on Afghanistan while checkmating Iran and North Korea whilemaking certain that EVERYONE is included--"INCLUSIVENESS IS THE KEY WORD.
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
He seems pretty action packed to me so far. He's moved immediately and efficiently to get a couple of big things done.
Another big thing done, now we, the taxpayers, pay for abortion abroad, so now, wonderful, a culture of death all over the world, paid by us. Wonderful. This guy is a piece of work, thats for sure.
Quote:Another big thing done, now we, the taxpayers, pay for abortion abroad, so now, wonderful, a culture of death all over the world, paid by us. Wonderful. This guy is a piece of work, thats for sure.
Oh, there is a "piece of work" involved here...but Obama ain't it!
You are, Okie!
I gotta get control. I am enjoying all this conservative discomfort way too much.
okie wrote:so now, wonderful, a culture of death all over the world, paid by us. Wonderful.
Seems like you didn't have a problem with that the last couple of years.
Oh, wait. "Culture of death" only refers to abortions. Not to, say, torturing innocent people to death.
Gee, Okie,do you think that the conservative discomfort will ever even begin to match the liberal discomfort from 2000 to 2008 with GW Bush? I don't think so because the liberal discomfort was nasty, demeaning,personally insulting, vicious, erronous, and highly partisan. If you doubt that, check out the scumbags on Move On. Org.
No conservative will ever call President Barack Obama "chimpy" as the hate merchants called GW Bush. If truth be told and if a person was moronic and inhuman as well as disrespecful one could call Barack Obama "chimpy" with greater reason.
But no conservating will do that. Only liberals who hate and refuse to follow President Obama's call for "inclusion" will do that.
Quote:. . . but considering that there is a rapidly forming consensus that we have no choice but to nationalize the banks . . .
Wait . . . are you referring to the planet Earth?
@old europe,
Gee,old Europe,. I missed that. I didn't know that innocent people were tortured?
Do you have a link? The only torture that I can remember is when the radical Moslims MURDERERS cut off the head of the journalist,Mr. Pearl, and displayed it on Television or when the rabid fundamentlist murderers killed several people working inAmerican construction crews,burned their bodies and hung them on a bridge.
If you are asserting that the Taliban is not fifty times more vicious and cruel than anything ever done by our troops, you know nothing about the incredible cruelties inflicted on women in the streets of KAbul by the fundamentalist morons.
Your discomfort seems to be nasty, demeaning, personally insulting, vicious, erroneous, and highly partisan, Possum. Does that make you a liberal?
Tricks? I know nothing about tricks. You should ask your bitch dog about tricks!
Who dis possum fella youse guys is talking about?
@Summer Glau,
Really?? Please point out the Nasty, demeaning, personally insulting,vicious, erroneous and highly partisan sections of my writing.
And don't forget to also point out any previous smears done by liberals on these threads.
Inclusiveness, as President Obama has preached--inclusiveness!