Quote:Am i right about you, Mr. Apisa?
Half right, Genoves.
I am obviously of Italian heritage...but my people came from Caserta...near Naples. There was a huge influx of Casertans to the United States back in the 1920's"and the area of central New Jersey where I live has thousands who trace roots back to that district.
The fictional charcter Dr. Malfi, Tony Soprano's psychiatrist in the HBO hit, The Soprano's, mentioned in one episode that her people came from there.
As for the famous tower...well, my late father was fond of mentioning that the tower had been in the family for centuries! It was his favorite response to almost anything anyone ever mentioned about the name.
Actually, though, my family, although not from Tuscany, is known as “a long line of debaters.” Unfortunately, they are also know as “a long line of opinionated, obstinate pains-in-the-butt”--a tradition I have tried to maintain and exemplify here on A2K. (Very successfully, in the opinion of many!)
I use to do a lot of hand-waving while talking, Genoves, but on one occasion during an occasion of especially animated discussion back many years ago...I managed to gesture my thumb into a fan operating alongside me, and from that time on, I've pretty much cut out the gesticulating.
Hope we have some friendly chats. We are so far apart philosophically, I'm sure a fair share of (close to) acrimonious “chats” will occur...and knowing that we can back off and be civil will be a blessing.