That reminds me, Obama is going to use Lincolns bible to say the oath. And he re-enacts Lincolns route to the inaugural, and he quotes Lincoln, etc. etc. This is becoming more and more weird all the time. He is either a total and absolute fraud, or he really believes this stuff, which would make him pretty naive because he is not even close to Lincoln in political views, and surely he isn't dumb enough to not know that? Even the lefties on this forum would know that Obama and Lincoln are two totally different political animals, so they must also know this is all for show, to fool as many people as possible. He also imitates FDR, so he is trying to sucker both FDR Democrats and conservative Republicans. Every once in a while, he imitates Reagan, or quotes him. If he can get the FDR Democrats, the Reagan Democrats, and the Reagan and Lincoln Republicans, he probably figures that would just about sew it up for him. After all, he already has all the lefties in his pocket. He probably goes to bed at night wondering how many more people he has fooled. That is why all the festivities are all part of his game that he plays, and why he will never economize on all of this useless stuff. It is considered highly useful to him, as that is the game that is being played.
Is this post also providing more hilarity for you, butrfly? I don't find it hilarious, in fact it is politically fascinating, and should provide some information quite useful to anyone that has a brain and wants to use it, in terms of the political strategy being employed.