Thu 4 Dec, 2008 01:14 pm
Asherman wrote:
So you are saying that Truman was responsible for the Korean War. FDR was responsible for Pearl Harbor? That President Wilson was responsible for the sinking of the Lusitania?

Your eagerness to find fault in a liberal correspondent appears to be clouding your reading comprehension. To those of us whose reading comprehension isn't thus clouded, it's pretty clear what Cycloptichorn is saying. He's saying that those Republicans who blame Clinton for 9/11 are being silly. To stay as closely to your analogies as possible, they are being as silly as if they were to blame Herbert Hoover for Perl Harbor, FDR for the Korean War, or Teddy Roosevelt for the sinking of the Lusitania.
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 01:18 pm
Thank you Thomas.

To expand - even if Obama wasn't warned, even if he didn't receive intelligence about an attack, he would still be responsible for whatever happened. That's what it means to be president. That's what the top job means.

A failure to anticipate an attack is a failure. Simple. Failures can be forgiven - there's nothing wrong with looking at someone's failure, looking at the circumstances, and concluding that someone can be pardoned for their mistake. But to pretend that there was no mistake? That there is no responsibility by the top officer invested with such responsibility? Folly. And indicative of one who is more interested in partisan politics than any sort of objective view of the situation.

Thu 4 Dec, 2008 01:24 pm
Okay -- now what, in your opinion, should Bush have specifically done after receiving that memo? And how would that have prevented 9/11?
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 01:35 pm
Thomas wrote:

Okay -- now what, in your opinion, should Bush have specifically done after receiving that memo? And how would that have prevented 9/11?

Referring back to my earlier post,


Most people would consider that to be a specific briefing detailing what was to occur. Bush reportedly laughed it off and did nothing. I don't believe that he could have sprung into action and stopped it, but he didn't even try.

Bush could have alerted our various intelligence agencies to be on a greater lookout for this. He could have instituted a greater search for info on AQ's operations in America or requested one of his deputies to provide comprehensive reports on what we know. He could have stepped up activities at FEMA and other emergency response organizations. He could have contacted the heads of the airlines and started instituting security reviews to see how this could be prevented.

None of this would have necessarily stopped 9/11; but it would have at least indicated an awareness on his part of the problem, or helped prepare us to deal with the aftermath in a greater fashion.

Regardless of what steps he took or did not take, he still bears responsibility for what happened. It is the burden of leadership.

Thu 4 Dec, 2008 02:21 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
None of this would have necessarily stopped 9/11; but it would have at least indicated an awareness on his part of the problem, or helped prepare us to deal with the aftermath in a greater fashion.

Far be it from me to make excuses for Mr. Bush. But messages of the form "Bin Laden determined to attack the US" are a dime a dozen, and provide no actionable information. In my industry, the corresponding message would be "(technology x) to bring a major paradigm shift to our industry." It isn't the brightest executives who break out into fervent activity on hearing those messages, and not the dimmest who shrug them off. I blame Mr. Bush for a lot of things, but not for ignoring this particular report.
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 02:35 pm
Thomas is probably pretty close to what really happened; I also remember all kinds of warnings about al Qaeda before 9-11, and with all those alerts, how does anyone know the time and place they will attack? How many alerts does one follow through on?

Having said that, I also remember a warning just before 9-11 that probably should have had some follow-up. We know from hind-site that al Qaeda agents were learning how to fly airplanes, but never learned how to land those jets.

It's a toss-up from my perspective.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:03 pm
You somehow seem to forget that Bush failed to protect the country as well.

9/11 happened on his watch. Nobody else's. I know you bunch like to blame it on Clinton, that's ******* stupidity from stupid people.

If AQ attacks within the first year of Obama's term, will you blame Bush? Obviously not.


So then if AQ attacks 5 minutes AFTER Obama is sworn in, will you also blame Obama for not protecting the country?
After all, the attack would have occurred on his watch.
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:05 pm
Maybe not 5 minutes but a year and a half in? 2010? Yep.
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:09 pm
Why not in 5 minutes?
After all, he will be the president when the attack occurs, that means he is in charge AND responsible.

Or, are you now setting an arbitrary time limit on when he will be responsible for protcting the US?
0 Replies
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:18 pm
mysteryman wrote:

You somehow seem to forget that Bush failed to protect the country as well.

9/11 happened on his watch. Nobody else's. I know you bunch like to blame it on Clinton, that's ******* stupidity from stupid people.

If AQ attacks within the first year of Obama's term, will you blame Bush? Obviously not.


So then if AQ attacks 5 minutes AFTER Obama is sworn in, will you also blame Obama for not protecting the country?
After all, the attack would have occurred on his watch.

He will have failed. It is his job to protect the US (well, the constitution, but that's another argument). This is the burden of leadership.

As I said above: you can look at the evidence available and decide whether or not he is deserving of blame. But it would be foolish to pretend that it wasn't a failure, when it is. This is what you and others have done with Bush: tried to pretend that he didn't fail. He did.

Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:28 pm
Please show me one time where I have EVER said that Bush didnt fail regarding 9/11.

If as you say..."
This is what you and others have done with Bush: tried to pretend that he didn't fail
", then it should be real easy for you to find even one time where I have defended his actions leading up to 9/11, or where I have ever said he didnt fail.

I HAVE said that the blame lies with both the Bush AND the Clinton admins, not just one of them.
I have said that both admins dropped the ball, but I have never made the claim, nor have I ever suggested, that Bush didnt fail.

But, will you be willing to concede that if AQ attacks the US the minute that Obama finishes taking the oath, that it will be his responsibility because he will be the president?
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:43 pm
Don't be so stupid; you're as bad as okie making stupid statements.
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 03:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
May I remind you of what was said...
Maybe not 5 minutes but a year and a half in? 2010? Yep.

Thats what was said.
So, exactly how long after he is sworn in will Obama be responsible?
What arbitrary limit are you willing to set?

If he wont be responsible IMMEDIATELY, then when will he be responsible?
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 04:02 pm
What is your point, mysteryman?
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 04:21 pm
No point, I'm asking a simple question.

Exactly how long after he is sworn in will Obama be repsonsible for not preventing any attacks on the US?
Exactly when will he be able to be held responsible for anything that happens after he is sworn in?

Thu 4 Dec, 2008 04:30 pm
mysteryman wrote:

No point, I'm asking a simple question.

Exactly how long after he is sworn in will Obama be repsonsible for not preventing any attacks on the US?
Exactly when will he be able to be held responsible for anything that happens after he is sworn in?

Dude; I answered your question here:

And the answer is yes; the second he is inaugurated, he takes on the responsibility to defend the country. You can use your own judgment to decide whether or not to blame him for something which happened five minutes later; but that doesn't change the fact that he would have the ultimate responsibility.

Additionally, let me take back when I said that you didn't blame Bush, I didn't have enough information to say that, and was lumping you in with Okie and other Conservatives, which I shouldn't have done.

0 Replies
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 04:39 pm
The Clinton-Gore Plan to Stop Al-Qaeda: Would 9-11 have happened?
Would things be any different had Gore been President? Wouldn’t 9-11 have still happened?

Perhaps not, according to mainstream media source Time Magazine. In their article, They Had A Plan [requires paid subscription], they explain why: After the bombing of the USS Cole the Clinton Administration had drawn up a comprehensive plan for fighting Al-Qaeda. But they didn’t want to execute it with a new President taking office in a few months, so they briefed Bush’s team at the highest levels and told them how important it was that they carry it out. And then Bush did nothing.

Here are the relevant quotes:

[Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy] Berger says he told [his successor, Bush’s Condoleezza Rice], “I believe that the Bush Administration will spend more time on terrorism generally, and on al-Qaeda specifically, than any other subject.”
The terrorism briefing was delivered by Richard Clarke, [] who had served in the first Bush Administration and risen [] to become the White House’s point man on terrorism. [He was] chair of the interagency Counter-Terrorism Security Group (CSG)[…]. Since the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole […] he had been working on an aggressive plan to take the fight to al-Qaeda. […] Berger and the principals decided to shelve the plan and let the next Administration take it up. With less than a month left in office, they did not think it appropriate to launch a major initiative against Osama bin Laden. “We would be handing [the Bush Administration] a war when they took office on Jan. 20,” says a former senior Clinton aide. “That wasn’t going to happen.” Now it was up to Rice’s team to consider what Clarke had put together.
Clarke’s proposals called for the “breakup” of al-Qaeda cells and the arrest of their personnel. The financial support for its terrorist activities would be systematically attacked, its assets frozen, its funding from fake charities stopped. Nations where al-Qaeda was causing trouble — Uzbekistan, the Philippines, Yemen — would be given aid to fight the terrorists. Most important, Clarke wanted to see a dramatic increase in covert action in Afghanistan to “eliminate the sanctuary” where al-Qaeda had its terrorist training camps and bin Laden was being protected by the radical Islamic Taliban regime. […] In the words of a senior Bush Administration official, the proposals amounted to “everything we’ve done since 9/11.”


An aggressive campaign to degrade the terrorist network worldwide — to shut down the conveyor belt of recruits coming out of the Afghan camps, to attack the financial and logistical support on which the hijackers depended — just might have rendered it incapable of carrying out the Sept. 11 attacks. Perhaps some of those who had to approve the operation might have been killed, or the money trail to Florida disrupted. We will never know, because we never tried. This is the secret history of that failure.

This isn’t some low-level employee talking after-the-fact. This is a comprehensive plan at the highest levels of government, with the greatest stress, simply not carried out.

So what was Bush doing instead of cracking down on terrorism? Well, we now know he was busy planning to invade Iraq.

(Thanks to Al Franken’s book for drawing this to my attention.)


And what happened at President Bush's very first National Security Council meeting is one of O'Neill's most startling revelations.

“From the very beginning, there was a conviction, that Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go,” says O’Neill, who adds that going after Saddam was topic "A" 10 days after the inauguration - eight months before Sept. 11.

“From the very first instance, it was about Iraq. It was about what we can do to change this regime,” says Suskind. “Day one, these things were laid and sealed.”

As treasury secretary, O'Neill was a permanent member of the National Security Council. He says in the book he was surprised at the meeting that questions such as "Why Saddam?" and "Why now?" were never asked.

cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 04:45 pm
Some information concerning al Qaeda before 9-11:

From Times Online
February 11, 2005
US aviation received 52 al-Qaeda warnings before 9/11
By Jenny Booth, Times Online

America's aviation authority received numerous warnings about al-Qaeda attacks in the six months before 9/11, including five that mentioned hijackings and two that mentioned suicide operations, it has emerged.

A previously published report by the commission set up to investigate the September 11 attacks on the United States reveals that the US Federal Aviation Authority received 52 intelligence reports on al-Qaeda between April and September 2001.

The 911 Commission report criticises the FAA for failing to strengthen security measures in light of the reports, and accuses it of allowing a false sense of security to prevail.


9/11 panel: FAA had early al Qaeda warnings

From Phil Hirschkorn
Friday, February 11, 2005 Posted: 4:21 PM EST (2121 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Dozens of Federal Aviation Administration memos warned of al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden in 2001, but the agency didn't order new security measures before the September 11 attacks, a newly released declassified report by the 9/11 commission says.

The FAA's security branch generated 105 so-called daily summaries between April 1 and September 10, 2001, the report said. Fifty-two of those summaries mentioned bin Laden or al Qaeda, and five discussed hijacking "as a capability al Qaeda was training for or possessed."

Two summaries cited suicide operations, "but not connected to a threat in aviation," the report said.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 06:18 pm
So we are to believe Sandy Berger, the guy that was stuffing papers into his clothing, ha ha, what a joke. He is covering his you know what, as did the entire Clinton administration, including Clinton, who was more interested in playing around with young interns than he was protecting the country. You guys and your spin machine have no shame whatsoever.
Thu 4 Dec, 2008 06:42 pm
okie wrote:

So we are to believe Sandy Berger, the guy that was stuffing papers into his clothing, ha ha, what a joke. He is covering his you know what, as did the entire Clinton administration, including Clinton, who was more interested in playing around with young interns than he was protecting the country. You guys and your spin machine have no shame whatsoever.

Yeah, declare the guy a liar and it sure is easy to avoid the truth. Nice little game you have there Okie, but not convincing to anyone.

What about Richard Clarke? Gonna call him a liar too?

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