snood wrote:
C.I. isn't "losing it" any more than you are, Okie. An accusation that someone is losing touch with reality sure is ironic coming from someone who is trying to assert that Bush championed the idea of troop withdrawal moreso than Obama.
Obama did champion troop withdrawal, but in my opinion he championed it before it was feasible as it is now, due to the success of the surge. Whether success can be entirely attributed to the surge, that is another debate, but whatever all the factors were - it doesn't matter, they were brought about largely by Bush and the people he had working for him, top to bottom. If we had started committing to withdrawal when Obama was calling for it, I do not think it would have been wise, I agree with Bush and the logical strategy. Of course when we actually withdraw troops when we are managing victory, not losing, then timelines are mandated by necessity, by the Iraqis. Bush has always advocated leaving Iraq.
I give Bush credit because he deserves it, and it is ludicrous to try to give Obama any credit whatsoever for our success in Iraq, including successful withdrawal. That is a crock, snood. Obama never advocated toppling Hussein with the war, and if we had followed Obama's judgement, we would have never seen the succcesses that we have, and Hussein would still be terrorizing his own people, and playing cat and mouse games with the international community, and with us. It has cost life, freedom does not come without a price, and no telling how many lives have been saved both up until now and in the future, only God knows. Whether you were for the war or not, you must credit Bush for being committed, he took the job seriously, and he has perservered.
Plus, whether you like Bush or not, surely even you must admit that Bush has earned the reputation of being tough, a man of his word, and interested in protecting America, something Obama does not have, in fact terrorist organizations are overjoyed that he has been elected. Nobody knows what Obama will do, perhaps he will prove to be a viable protectant of this country, but I don't know that, and I have not much confidence in that so far.