Butrflynet wrote:
Cyclo, you're wasting your breath. As someone else said earlier, don't bother. It isn't going to make a bit of difference and you can make better use of the time by working on your upcoming wedding plans.
Thats the way conservatives feel about liberal thought process, so we are even. Look, admit it, according to cyclops - Obama will have all the right answers, and he can do no wrong, admit it. Before long, cyclops will have Obama winning the war in Iraq, that would not surprise me.
If the Iraqis propose withdrawal, it was Obama's idea, what a laugh. It has always been the aim of Bush from the time we went into Iraq, to at some point withdraw. And ican probably has it right, the Iraqis want us to leave, and as it increasingly looked like we are being successful there, Bush is agreeing to it. This would have happened without Obama. The strategy used by Bush, to not proclaim a time line was wise as long as it could be maintained, because a timeline only gives the terrorist organizations more planning information. At some point, as we leave, a timeline is obviously part of the withdrawal, but when Obama first proposed it, it was not a practical proposal based upon an informed strategy, in my opinion.
And for Obama to try to take credit for successful windup in Iraq, which is what this spin is all about, is hogwash, if Obama had his way - Hussein would still be terrorizing his own people and threatening his neighbors and us with whatever he could conjure up, including WMD. Obama has done nothing, period, and Bush deserves all the credit. You spin meisters are not going to get away with fooling everyone.