@old europe,
From Wikipedia:
The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. The Nazi Party formulated its program in 25 points. Among the key elements of Nazism were anti-parliamentarism, Pan-Germanism, welfare state spending[9], price and rent controls[9], protectionism[10], progressive taxation and exorbitant corporate taxes[9], racism, collectivism,[11][12] eugenics, antisemitism, opposition to economic liberalism and political liberalism,[13][14][12] anti-communism, and totalitarianism.[citation needed]
Nazism was not a monolithic movement, but rather a (mainly German) combination of various ideologies and groups, sparked by anger at the Treaty of Versailles and what was considered to have been a Jewish/communist conspiracy to humiliate Germany at the end of the World War I. The party came to power in 1933 in the aftermath of the Great Depression, and promised a "third way" between capitalism and communism.[15]
You intellectual types that think you and only you understand Hitler, sorry, the rest of us can read history as well.
The above has alot of similarities to the American Democratic Party, oe, in terms of actual policies, and interesting, I think Obama is proposing another approach besides capitalism or communism, a "third way" as mentioned in the above. Communism has been shown to be an utter flop, so dysfuntional dictator mindsets always think they are so much more intelligent, that they can somehow devise another more refined form of communism and call it something else, but guess what, its the same thing rearing its ugly head with a different name. Now we have, hello, Barack Obama, he is going to change the world, he says it all the time. How, nobody knows, but he constantly criticizes corporations and free enterprise, and we know that he would love to institute some kind of centralized control over the country. He won't call it communism, but he plans to be everybody's brothers keeper, by spreading the wealth around. Only he, the messiah, has the answers, he will tell us later, when we need to know it. How he intends to do all of this, I imagine it will be an incremental plan.
I plan to oppose him, for one simple reason, I do not think he is a healthy politican emotionally, he is a messiah complexed man, a self absorbed man, that constantly says he has all the answers. I simply don't believe it, or him. No way. I am not going to be a sucker for Obama.