@cicerone imposter,
ci, in all seriousness, I have pretty much come to the conclusion that posting on a forum like this is useless. I might as well cut to the chase and call something for what it is. When you add it all up, Obama's friends and patterns for his political life, from Wright to the New Party, to Ayers, to Saul Alinsky, and all of the rest, I believe he is an extremist, and probably in fact a closet marxist. Heck, the whole "community organizing bit fits the whole thing. And the Obama's just recoil at actually working in private enterprise, after all. government service and community organizing is the only honorable thing to do, just ask them. I think they despise capitalism and the heritage of this country and its traditions, I don't think there is much doubt about that in my mind.
This isn't a big stretch or very bizarre nowadays. But such people will not be open and honest, you have to read between the lines, not what they say, because they lie about it, but when you study the man, thats what it is. As to what brand of Marxism, I don't know, perhaps he may believe some kind of hybrid European type socialism, but how are we to know. I am not willing to take that chance, because I don't trust the man.
Beyond that, we will never agree, the Obama worshipers fit one of two groups, they think like Obama and therefore are not honest either, or they are mindless dupes without a clue. As to which group you fit, I don't know, ci, thats for you only to know. You seem like an intelligent man at times, but other times no. Call me an idiot, I don't much care, as your opinion means nothing to me. I am more interested in the interests of the country and my family than I am your opinion.
As for other opinions here, there will be the lefties calling all kinds of names, I don't much care. Some would find it hard to believe anything as stark as what I am saying here, but look at history, and you have to admit some pretty unbelievable things have happened, and people can easily be fooled by slick politicians, it has happened over and over. It is incumbent upon us to figure out the mindset of political personalities and what their true agendas are, and I am just asserting my conclusion here in regard to Obama, the slickster, thats all.