What happens to you okie if you are right about Obama and it turns out his ideas totally work?
Being that you've made up your mind about who he is, and what that means for you, You can go ahead and just deal with it. The man is being voted for by his plans and his ideas. If what this country needs is some socialistic elements, fine. I think that real socialists would find Obama to be pretty damn conservative.
If you work too hard to make him into a socialist and his ideas end up working, it will be a hard pill to swallow that socialism has a place in a democracy, and you will have labeled it so.
On the other hand, I have zero confidence that you have the intellectual backbone to ever admit that Obama will ever do anything right, so the experiment is null.
I have little worry about Obama. I have real concerns about McCain. Like I've said before, the democrats will confess they are socialists the day the republicans admit their fascists.