Actually, since Obama has spent 20 years in a church that claims to present a 'black value system' and 'African Biblical study' and a 'non-negotiable commitment to Africa' , then teeny's perspective can prove valuable to understanding Obama's point of reference.
Jeremiah Wright preaches Black Liberation Theology, based initially and primarily on James Hal Cone's work and words.
Cone states:
Quote:The black theologian must reject any conception of God which stifles black self-determination by picturing God as a God of all peoples. Either God is identified with the oppressed to the point that their experience becomes God's experience, or God is a God of racism.... The blackness of God means that God has made the oppressed condition God's own condition.
So we see that the racial component in Obama's religious tradition is pervasive and undeniable.
Many in this tradition do regard Christ as black.
How does all of this affect Obama's politics? Well , based on the Jeremiah Wright episode one might say that he is willing even to lie to protect those who he holds in esteem.
His persistent refusal to admit that for almost 20 years he never heard his close friend , mentor and pastor utter the race baiting type of remarks that were at the center of the controversy was not believed, even by many of his strongest supporters.
Of course his other long term associations with terrorists Ayers and Dohrn, and racists like Meeks have revealed a similar stubborn refusal to abandon even the most radical of friends.
How might this affect Obama's judgement if , as President , he were to discover that Osama bin Laden was now hiding not in Pakistan, but in Africa?
Would Obama be willing to make the necessary steps to capture or eliminate bin Laden, even if his African hosts insisted on protecting him by every means including arms?
Just what does it mean when one has a non-negotiable religious commitment to Africa?