New book out I was scanning around, searching for information about Obama and Ayers...
Excerpt from article:
New book: Obama a lefty, not a reformer
By BEN SMITH | 8/4/08 9:20 AM EST Text Size:
The first serious negative biography of Senator Barack Obama casts the Democratic nominee as a fake reformer and a real liberal.
"The Case Against Barack Obama," by National Review's David Freddoso, blasts Obama for failing to take on the Chicago machine, for listening to "radical advisors," and for backing "doctrinaire liberal" causes from teachers unions to abortion rights.
It does not, however, compare him to Paris Hilton, or dwell at length on his religion or race - making the substance of "The Case Against Barack Obama" sound a bit unfamiliar amid a campaign cacophony of hyperbolic web ads, alleged race cards, and viral smears.
Freddoso says John McCain's campaign and Republicans at large are making the wrong case against the Illinois senator.
"I don't think you beat Obama by saying that he's Paris Hilton," said Freddoso, a reporter for the conservative magazine National Review, referring to McCain's latest advertising campaign. "The more important thing is really to look at is he who he says he is? Is he really this great reformer?"