Sat 11 Mar, 2006 05:43 pm
This time it wasn't a tanker. One of the debates about drilling in Alaska centered on the transport of oil via pipeline rather than tanker...... the pipeline spill ( 270,000 gallons ).
"Corroded pipe"
So...these people can make it safe, eh?
Not even checking ******* pipes?
A little ticked off, are ya? Isn't it annoying?
The pipe is 30 years old.
doesn't seem very old, or does it? We have bridges that are much older than that.
hey, what are you people complaining about? you know how many oil spills were there in siberia? countless. oil is cheap, grass is green, this land is free, tomorrow is bright.
i mean, why check the pipelines while the black gold flows. we'll fix it when it breaks. that's the spirit.
" .,..... Environmentalists from Alaska Wilderness League said the spill was "a catastrophe for the environment".
They said it was "a painful reminder of the reality of unchecked oil and gas development across Alaska's North Slope".
They also urged lawmakers to shelve a Republican-led project to allow drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
Supporters of drilling in Alaska say it offers an alternative source of energy to the Middle East and so would improve national security.
Opponents warn oil exploration would harm a pristine wilderness and endanger a key habitat for migratory birds, polar bears, caribou and other animals. ..."
Of course any further drilling & oil exploration in Alaska should be put on hold till the existing developments are made absolutely safe & secure. And water-tight arrangements are made to ensure that they are properly maintained in the future. What a disaster to the environment & to wildlife this spill is likely to be! There are some concerns that a far more important than finding more oil sources, for goodness sake!
wilderness schmilderness. this country wants its cheap oil.
hopefully the public will write in droves on this topic (like they did about Dubai/port deal - a less importantant topic to get up in arms against)
sounds like a good time to finally host that Environmental Disaster Party we had on the back burner with littlek.
hmmmmmm...... but, neither of us has any money.
littlek wrote:hopefully the public will write in droves on this topic (like they did about Dubai/port deal - a less importantant topic to get up in arms against)
They are all important topics these days. Some just less messy than others.
they all seem to be messy enough.
we'll just have to wait for the next oil spill then.
we can do a low cost oil spill! How about a white cake with a powder sugar coating onto which we 'spill' molases across. I could probably borrow piping from Colio's construction set (it's blue though).
The timing of the spill make work to help stop the new drilling.