Speaking of
that name, it just won't stick!!! Instead of Mags, silly names like Popsie, Poppy, Possum (sorry, margo!) just pop out! Sometimes I even call her Flatty! (Habit!) She must be one very confused cat, poor thing!
Ever had to change a cat's name because it just didn't seem
Thank you for all the suggestions of toys & games, everyone. I gather from your posts that there are a lot of
very indulged in A2K cats out there! Tonight my friend, A, arrived with a gift of 3 stuffed mice - coloured white, black & grey. Right this minutes Popsie/Possum/Poppy is tearing up & down the length of the passage, doing summersaults &
giving hell to the white one! I hope she doesn't wake the neighbours!
Thanks for your lovely message, Misti. Yes, she's a petite, rather delicate looking girrl! This is interesting! I've had cheeky boy cats for years. Girl cats are different!
OK, since I last posted, she's discovered my bed & now sleeps at the end of it each night. Also she's become extremely adept at scaling both front & back fly-wire (door) screens!
An extremely successful ploy to gain my full, undivided attention! .... and has become very skilled at zig-zag walking in front of me (as I move around the house) in the hope of gaining yet another feed. I think she must be feeling more at home here, yes?