That's interesting, VN. I once heard our local pet radio talkback "authority" declare that, with animals of the same species, three's a crowd. And that this is to be
avoided of one wanted to avoid
trouble! (This is how he actually speaks!

) Maybe there's something in that?
Haven't taken many Possum-pix lately - and now my camera has gone on holiday to Uluru and Perth without me!
It just
up & left, margo? Just like that? The nerve!
cameras going off on holiday .....
without you ?

you've got your eye on a kitten?????
wonderful! all that running up the curtains and swinging by one paw, chasing your skirts or trousers, diving on anything that moves and that tiny little heap of fluff to cuddle - gorgeous
yes, definitely get it used to the car and going to other places from being tiny.
Margo do take some new Possum pics whenyour camera returns from Perth
I desperately needed my camera last night!
Possum and I were sitting on the bed, watching the last part of the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne - the bit where Kiri Te Kanawa sang Happy Birthday to Liz - the supposed queen of Oz.
He was sitting quietly, getting patted, and then decided to investigate what was behind the bedside table. Now - Possum is not a sleek cat, and the space between the bedside table and the bed wasn't that large. Just large enough - in fact, for an unsleek cat to get his front legs and head down behind it. Not large enough, however, to get his back legs and bum down there to follow!
He made an odd noise, and I turned around to see cat's bum and tail in the air, and back legs desperately trying to force the bed to move - and with me on top that wasn't very likely! Head and front legs are firmly on the floor behind the table, and he can't get any purchase to get the rest of him to follow.
I started to giggle uncontrollably, (which WAS unkind, but....) and watched him struggle for a minute or two.
Eventually, I got off the bed, and pulled the table out, and the rest of him slid inelegantly down to the floor. He then stayed where he was and refused to get out from under the table (possibly because I was still crying with laughter!).
I pulled him out (with resistance!) and put the bedside table back in position, and Poss stalked off for a bit - and then he hopped up on the bed, sat as far away from me as possible, and glared fiercely at me for the next 30 minutes. Each time I looked at this angry-faced cat I started to laugh all over again!
Oh dear! Considerable loss of dignity!
See, my dad and I discuss that sometimes, Margo: No matter how much you love your kitties, when they do things like that, you just can't help but sit there and laugh at them for a while before you help them out. It's so mean and they despise you for a while afterward, but there's something so funny about seeing them in predicaments.

Your story had me laughing out loud, by the way!

oh that needed a video, never mind a camera! you painted a brilliant word picture though
Not only laughing ..... but
continuing to laugh! I can just imagine Possums furious face
Good morning from my part of the world! My Balinese cat, Tequila, a beautiful flame point (one of the cats I inherited from my girls), is 14 and had his dental work finally on Monday. He got over his pneumonia and they were able to take care of his teeth. Since he does still have a collapsed lung lobe, they did it VERY CAREFULLY! Well, he is on long term antibiotics for his lung...and that wily little old devil has this nurse frustrated trying to "pill" him! His mouth is sore so I can't clamp his little jaws together after I insert the pill in his throat. He is an actor! I think I have it and walk out of the room, only to return and find the (tiny little quarter of a tablet) almost anywhere in the room....corner, rug, pillow, etc. I gave up and called the vet for a liquid....Ah, so much easier!!!!
Part of the problem is my sympathy for his poor mouth and the knowledge that he really needed the antibiotic after his extractions. My vet uses a Fentynal patch on the leg for the major pain relief, but he had so many teeth removed that he required stitches. Now, after he gets the liquid, he sulks for a while and then comes to me about four hrs later for his pets and love. He does eat and drink well, so I am much less worried about him.
If I can figure out how to post a pic, I will do it one of these days!
margo wrote:I pulled him out (with resistance!) and put the bedside table back in position, and Poss stalked off for a bit - and then he hopped up on the bed, sat as far away from me as possible, and glared fiercely at me for the next 30 minutes. Each time I looked at this angry-faced cat I started to laugh all over again!
Oh dear! Considerable loss of dignity!
poor Possum! I expect you had to grovel for a bit after that, margo?
Is he talking to you again, yet?
I hope you
do manage to post a picture of Tequila! (I'm trying to imagine what a "flame point" looks like. Nah, can't quite imagine it.) It sounds like he's been in the wars, poor thing.

But obviously he's still a
spirited critter, judging by your description of the pill evasion strategies! I certainly hope your daughter is very, very grateful for your incredible kindness in adopting her critters & taking such excellent care of them! You ol' softy, you!
Yep, we all should have been warned before we knew what we were getting ourselves into!
Sometimes animals can teach people a lot of things; unconditional love, forgiveness, the best thing about them is they never seem to harbor the bad feelings or remind you of your human mistakes. They can be angry at you one minute and then the next, all is forgiven. Amazing creatures, huh? :wink:
They are amazing, MA. Their unconditional love and trust is something that really gets to my heart.
No matter what kind of mood I'm in or if I ignore them because I'm busy, they are always the same. Right there, loving me because they love me. If people could learn anything from animals I would wish for it to be this.
Well, my dear prince, I found that you cannot trust all people and I am glad to our cats don't trust everyone but know to trust us. As we - BigDice and myself - trust each other. As for unconditional love - yeah, I think that goes for us, too :-)
Yes, MA, that is so true. I cannot understand why so many people take pleasure in hurting others - in whichever way. Once, I told a co-worker that Nisse likes to sit in the bathtub with just a little water running and then he drinks and drinks. She asked me if I was never tempted to turn on the water fully just to surprise and scare him. :-? Why would I ever want to to that?
Ah, now I know what a line cut is! So please be careful with any accent you might have! I am glad Nisse and Mysan are just regular European short hair cats. All they need is a little brushing - especially at the moment. They are loosing so much hair it is hard to believe there is still some left on them...