Acquiunk wrote:I've never voted for Lieberman, I've always voted green in the elections in which he has appeared on the ballot. But that proclivity does not alter my assessment that Lieberman is very viable in a general election in Connecticut. His problem is among democratic activists, the kind that vote in primary, who would prefer a Fairfield County multi-millionaire who is mouthing the currant political correctness over someone who carries considerable influence in Washington. Lieberman may very well run as an independent in November and he will most likely win handily. The loser will be the Democratic party in Connecticut. Connecticut has been governed by Republicans for the past 15 years. It is rife with political and personal malfeasance. A number of major Republican politicians are in jail or under indictment, for both financial and sexual crimes, and this includes a siting governor (Roland) who just finished a jail term. But the democrats in this state cannot seem to get their act together to mount a viable challenge to what is self evidently a corrupt and incompetent opposition. Lamont is an excellent example for the reason why.
Acquiunk, as a solid member of the Dark Side, I clearly recognize you as an enemy of the army of The Light, but see what happens when you disagree with one of your fellow Arch-angels. So quick to cast you into our realm isn't she?
If Lieberman runs as an independent (and wins as he almost certainly will) it will not only be the CT Dems who lose, it will be the national Dems as well.
Lieberman has been so blatantly spurned by his party and it's big shots (Gore, Clinton et al) what possible loyalty will he feel for them when he wins as an independent? I don't see Joe compromising his principles just to punish the false-swearers of his party, but will he vote the Dem party line when he is the least bit conflicted? I doubt it.
My greatest (political) hope is that the Roxys of America succeed in forcing the Democratic Party to heed her demands and the demands of her comrades.
You know Roxy, Hilary has been compromising her liber position like crazy. Take her down! Kerry has been announcing his liberal bonafides of late - go with him! But, after all, he and Gore are proven losers, and you know that once the general election comes around, they will move to the right.
Let's see, who can carry the banner?
I have it! Kucinich!