Fascinating. Respect the Mass Murdering Despot, Saddam's sovereign rights, give Hamas a chance and spit in the face of our Allies, the UAE.
Does anybody here know what port has more United States Military ships in it than any other foreign port on the globe?
Does anyone remember the UAE making it clear that Iraq would stand on its own, back when still-Bill was still in charge?
Does everyone realize that in the event we decided to bomb Iran's Nuclear sites; our aircraft would likely utilize the Dubai airports?
Rewarding an Arab Country for good deeds is every bit as important as punishing them for bad one's; if you really want
anyone to believe it is their country's citizens best interest we have at heart. The Port deal would only serve to give us more credibility and influence to hopefully sway the thinking tide in the direction of Western Civilization. The racist objection to same serves only to deepen the divide.
Does anyone here know who's in control of a significant portion of the Port's where the fractionally checked cargo boxes that arrive in our Ports originate?

The hypocrisy being demonstrated on this issue is only surpassed by the ignorance of the average U.S.-American, who's being scared by the false boogie-man, even while being convinced that taking out a real one was a mistake. Fascinating.