Kicky...You're worried about boundaries with ME?? The only thing I haven't done here is a fecal smear.
I will tell soon... Meanwhile, ask out that lovely girl!! I want details, too!!
kickycan wrote:CalamityJane wrote:go away Kicky!!
Not until Lash knows that I appreciate the significance of this for her and that I'm happy for her. No jokes. Lash, have a good time. I'm happy for you.
Okay, now I'm gone. See ya.
Kicky. Don't go. You're my compadre.
Thanks Beth and CJ.
<smiles until eyes are squinty>
<sigh> Sounds absolutely wonderful!
I wonder if there's one of him around here somewhere. <looks under the desk>
I'm telling you--it's that commercial--ly internet dating thingie!!
This came from the internet?
Yes. That Dr. So and So with the whole psychological profile dating thingie!!!!
I picked him out of 85 mins!!!
Made to order!!!!
hey! show us his profile!
Sweetie, I would-- but you ain't gettin' mah man.
That's a little too world collide-y for me.
Does that seem paranoid?
<feels sorta bad>
I think I'll post a pic of him soon. I don't have the contraption, but he does.
He's a gifted photog as well. I'll see if he'll help me upload some pics (but see, then he'll see the site----a definite NO GO!!
<stews, thinking>
Oh what a tangled web-type construction I have strung together...
Oh pshaw! Why would I want to date your man?
No Lash, don't post his picture openly - via PM is okay, but not here.
Yeah, keep those worlds apart.
Every time someone's S.O. finds out about A2K, the A2K'er shuts up about the S.O., and we want to know this stuff!! :-D
But I wouldn't mind a PM... :-D :-D
(signed, Miss Nosey-nose.)
littlek wrote:Oh pshaw! Why would I want to date your man?
Cause he's an incredible lover and really sensitive maybe...?
(I'm teasing you sweetie. I'm a bit embarrassed because I'm so weird about divulging identifying info. It would wreck my ability to be so nasty...
Soz-- I shall send you and lilk a pic when I get one--via PM. I'm extending trust.... The last time I did, I regretted it. I don't think I will with you two. (hinting like mad) :wink:
Subbing in 2nd and 4th grades this week. WTF am I thinking???
Lash wrote:I'm a bit embarrassed because I'm so weird about divulging identifying info. It would wreck my ability to be so nasty...

Don't be embarrassed. I know exactly what you mean. The ability to be nasty is SACRED, and should be protected at all costs!