So, I should stop talking to other prospective date-ables? I've been "talking" online to two other mins... One has suggested a get together in a couple of weeks (a Jimmy Buffet cover band ) The wind blows him in and out of my Inbox--seems like a fun person to do things with, but no compelling interest .per me....The other, frankly, is ...scary. Sort of in your face psychologically and emotionally (the online equivalent of Christian on Nip/Tuck--only not as predictable)--and I'm scared of him. Tantalized. But, not emotionally equipped. He would likely want to show me Mr. Johnson before the night was over...

and thrash through the emotional equivalent over appetizers. He used to be the type I'd go for, but only at the top of my game. I'm a handrag of late. Guess I answered my question re him.
1. I'm not being piggish, but if I close down other negotiations, it appears that I've settled on him--and I
don't want to stake claims or get married. I also don't want my eggs all in his basket,--unless he asks me to keep them there and provides soft, fluffy pillows and reliable warmth...
2. He told me he's "talking" to another woman online, as well, and I expect she could be more satisfying for him. She
So, continue as usual or shut down other negotiations. (Certainly without telling him....)
I guess I have some time before I need to decide. I just don't want to go out with Mr. B if it sends the wrong signals to Mr. A.
Right back in ******* high school.