The first indian food I'd ever had, from a curry place downstairs from our loft back in the '70's, was extremely hot. I couldn't believe it at the time. It was probably good, I simply wasn't used to it. Since then I've had a lot of indian and pakistani food at different restaurants. Some dishes are milder than others, depending on what region of the area the owners/cook are from, and which dishes you order. The food in one particular restaurant in Santa Monica was too mild for me.
I think it's a little bit like Italy - food in some regions packs much more "heat" than in others.
I've not found indian food to be overly greasy/oily, or at least, not usually. That is what will get me in trouble with some chinese food - well, any food that is swimming in it, no matter the cuisine.
I've a friend from Eritrea. When he first came to the US, he could eat a sandwich made from that flannelly white bread you can find in american markets, brand name Wonder Bread, or Weber's bread.. and a layer of very hot small green peppers, habaneros, I think. After a while he couldn't do that any more...
A....layer...of habeneros? Good grief! Sounds like my mother. She can eat fire, it seems. I can't even touch my tongue to that stuff.
Neat moment today.
I'm mulling the disappointing food choices in the vending machine in the bowels of Park Hall--and I see my former Creative Writing prof sitting in the corner of the cavernous ground floor--(weird ambiance down there)(btw, I just used spellcheck and it suggested I change I'm to Iamb. Mulling that, as well...) and she gave me her card, introduced her new web site (sorta exciting) and.... (ahem)...asked me if she can publish one of my poems on the site.
It's like a magazine.
I know it's the first one, and there may never be a second one--and no one may ever see it--and my poem sucks like all the rest of them
it made me feel really neat.
So, recording this for posterity.
Just don't forget to mention a2k on your way to Stockholm, Lash
She's taking submissions.
You should write a political essay, CJ.
I'm happy for you, lashy. Enjoy....
Thanks, sweety.
I've been following Pacco's health. I'm so sad--didn't want to add to the sadness--but I'm thinking of you and Pacco.
I apologize to the sweeties.
It appears to be ...<ahem>
Springtime in Lashland.
I have not been interested in my naughty bits for two years, and suddenly they are perculating.
I will try to rein things in asap.
Meanwhile, bare with me.
Lash wrote:Meanwhile, bare with me.
not til it warms up QUITE a bit
You could wear a flesh-toned suit. I just want company....
(I bet you have one, too)
is it time for poetry about naughty bits?
Just saw this, lash. Thanks for the thought. He's okay for today, li'l heartbreaker. His bark is still vigorous.
ossobuco wrote:Just saw this, lash. Thanks for the thought. He's okay for today, li'l heartbreaker. His bark is still vigorous.
Glad for you today. Thinking of the two of you often.
I've been hopefully/hopelessly trying to write a 'good' naughty limerick since my early days online.
So. That means I'll have to steal one or a few. (I believe they call it 'quoting' in academic circles

An Argentine gaucho named Bruno
Said "There is one thing that I do Know"
"A woman is fine"
"And a sheep is divine"
"But a Llama is numero uno!"
<the crowd roars>
<waits expectantly...>
I am horrible at limericks.
I just discovered a pornohaiku site
There once was a man name of Joe
who hoped all his life for a blow
He had a small widget
more sized for a midget
and mistaken for an oddly placed toe.
See. That's not even funny.