Green Witch wrote:If we give the french revolution it's own thread- soon every revolution will demand one.
I wrote a poem about the French Revolution,
does anyone want to hear it?
Okay - here goes.
Ode to Madam LaFarge
She sat with her knitting needles -
Planning the Revolution
That the Desolution of Paris
Was the only solution
Poor Marie Antoinette, with
Her coiffure so fine
Sat munching her cake and
Sipping her wine.
Little did she suspect - - -
That Madam
Had eyeballs
For her neck.
This is dedicated to all the prisoners that were released from the Bastille July 14, 1789.
Bastille Day commorates the storming of the Bastille, a prison that was a symbol of Louie the 16th's ancient regeime.
The Bastille held 7 prisoners at the time. The storming of the prison was a symbol of libery and fight against oppression for all French citizens.
In other words it was the beginning of the industralization of France.