Mon 27 Feb, 2006 09:38 am
hi i'm trying to translate (only god will judge me) i've found these words, tantum deus mos sentio mihi... can someone tell me if these are right for me cos going to get the words tatoo'd on me and i want to now if there right or not anything would be great.... thanks
I don't know...can Antone help?
Bella Dea wrote:I don't know...can Antone help?
wellll...that Antone's pretty smart.
whoo boy, can you imagine getting that tatooed on you, then realizing it was wrong.
Let's wait to see what Antone's got to say.
I'm sorry...I just couldn't help myself!!!!
I would translate that as:
Deus solus me iudicare potest.
tantum deus mos sentio mihi
Good heavens George...the 2 don't look anything alike. What's the 2nd one mean?
Sheesh, now CHAI's dumpin' me for Antone.
I'm hurt.
But seriously, folks...
Before you get this tattooed, run it by someone else. Unlike Antone,
I'm not a professional Latin scholar, just a guy who does this for fun.
tantum -- so much (sometimes, "only")
deus -- god
mos -- custom (sometimes, "will" as in someone's will to do something)
sentio -- I feel (sometimes, "I judge")
mihi -- to me
AHA! Now that I look at this again, I see that tee001 requested
"Only god will judge me", but I translated "Only god can judge me".
This kind of thing is why you want a second opinion.
"Only God will judge me" is:
Deus solus me iudicabit.
But what does tee001's dealio translate as?
Agent 99
Only god will I judge to me.
tee001's online translator looked up Latin words from its database and returned them without regard for context or syntax.
Hope he isn't getting inked right now!
That's pretty much the opposite meaning of what he wants.
Whatever happened to hearts with "MOM" in them?
I once fell in love with a female Russian sailor named Doris, and had her name tatooed over my heart.
But she turned out to be a he, so I had to change the D to a B.
Such is life.
Lord E: "Boris, my love, didn't you notice my tattoo?"
Boris: "What, you think I got eyes on the back of my head?"
I too am having that tattoo'd - I sought translation from a latin teacher at our nearby college, she translated it as " solus iudicabit dues mihi "
Hope this helps
I think she meant "deus", not "dues".
I question the use of the dative "mihi" rather than the accusative "me."