Montana wrote:Drowned By Darkness wrote:I don't think you look like a complete idiot. Your post was reasonable, and you stated what you wanted to say. Its just more how dlowan read it than how you said it. It was twisted by his mind, and he read it as a different way than you meant.
I think you're right, which is why I mentioned that I needed to add more to my post in the future.
Sorry if there was any misunderstanding, Deb. My last post says clearly where I stand, so I hope that clears some things up.
I did not misunderstand you Montana...but you did misread my response.
I get quite passionate about this stuff, partly because, at least in my country, a lot of people spout crap, such as herberts', with no understanding either of the problem, or of how the system works...and also because here, at least, based on this kind of woolly revenge based thinking, governments are involved in obscene auctions about "getting tough on crime"...hence spending more and more money on imprisonment, while that same money, if spent on good early intervention programs, would make a real difference. But no....appealing to people's primitive desire for vengeance makes for good publicity.
At least here, "treating juveiles as adults" does not extend to killing them, which it does extend to in the US.
Do you folk support that? Executing kids? Because that is what it means in America.
Do you think imprisoning kids will make them LESS likely to be violent? Especially if they are put in an adult prison, where they will be raped.... and brutalised more efficiently than they have been previously.
Sure, sadly some kids commit crimes which mean they have to be put away, for the safety of the rest of us, but this kind of "lock 'em up" mentality appals me.
I am aware that murder is far more common in the US than here, so you guys will have a much greater percentage of juveniles who have murdered than we do...but I do not think that is true of Canada, Montana, is it?
And to say that some 10 year olds have an adult understanding of their crimes (as MA said) is sheer nonsense, flying in the face of the sheer facts about the development of frontal lobes, which govern such understanding.
Please note the actual topic as put down by BSF:
" Juveniles charged with violent crimes should be tried and punished as adults."