By providing this link to his picture I manipulated Gus url and found all his photos. NOw I know who Gus really is. And if I see him near my daughter I will kill him.
Swimpy, it was nice to meet u too. So are you really that happy that i started a room about iowa? i just wanted to have somewhere that i could talk about something i know alot about.
I'm thrilled, sassy. Post away. You and I are the only Iowans here. It's noce to have company. Just watch out for Gus. He likes to make late night visits. Don't be surprised to find him in your backyard. (DO NOT open the door.)
I found out the other day that some people in Iowa have very pronounced accents.
How did you find this out, Betheh?
Talking to a fascinating fella on the phone at work.
I had to pull up a map to be sure he really was in Iowa, he sounded so southrrrn. I finally asked if he was originally from Iowa. Iowa born and bred.
Oh my.
and I am so NOT good about being called Miss Beth or Ma'am. Makes me wince.
If you go about 100 miles south of where sassy lives the geography, the pace of life and the accents start to resemble Missouri. If you travel 100 miles north of Cedar Rapids the terrain and the mannerisms of the folks starts to resemble Minnesota. Weird, eh?
I was truly weirded out.
I was expecting a more Swimpyish sound.
I once't crossed Iowa hitch-hikin', straight through, from Davenport to Council Bluffs, in thirteen rides. That meant that most rides were rather short, but ever-body was friendly, and stopped right away--it took only about an hour or so longer than it would have to have driven straight through.
Nebraska, however, was a different kettle of fish altogether . . .
so swimpy have you been to alot of places in iowa or do you stay around dubuqe? i went to this really tiny town called clear lake over the summer and it was the size of like two city blocks it was so small and boaring.
guess what swimpy this guy just told me to get my ass in the kitchen and make him a sandwich. and this is all over because i asked about women in the NFL
kassi, I've been to quite a bit of the state. Not to the far northwest or southwest parts, though. I'm familiar with Clear Lake. It's near Mason City, I know that much.
Regarding the comment about the sandwich... harrumph.
yea it was a nice little town but everyone was very careful around us but i thought that is what would happen considering how cautions they are in small towns. so have you ever been to the mar-mac area it is like my home away from home.
Yep, very pretty in that area. Have you been to Effigy Mounds and Yellow River State Forest?
yea i got there all the time in the summer camping and hiking i really enjoy it up that way