I do not know what Medicare plan you are on. However, in the almost 12 years that I have been on Medicare, I have not once been turned down. In fact I never ask I just go to any Dr. or specialist I want to.
AS for the prescription drug plan it is part of my supplemental insurance policy.
dyslexia wrote: My personal philosophy feels like "Health-Education-Welfare" is the primary function of government while I realize that "War/Defense" is the primary function of government for most americans. .
I totally agree Dys, I don't want no stinkin' charity. I don't want to go begging at a church door, like a medieval peasant, if I become ill. I want to pay my fair share in taxes and in return get the services I need from my government when I need them.
I don't know if this has been pointed out as yet, but clinical trials that led to the introduction of this new drug were funded by the US gov't via the National Institutes of Health.
Does this affect the opinion of those who think the drug company has the right to charge as much as they want for this product? If not, why not?
Here's the title of another thread -
Bush sends $2.77 trillion budget plan to congress
How is it so many I know who have worked all their lives can't afford adequate medical care? many ordinary people can't keep up, no matter how hard they try, with a burgeoning cost business. Many of us will drop by the wayside while others are being righteous about the slothful sloppies.
Do we need to go back to people dropping by the road to make care some kind of priority? I gather even that won't do, as those droppers have failed to perform well.
or marry an accountant.
Good point, ossobuco. Having access to affordable health care in the US has little to do with personal virtue or having the right set of priorities. It's all about landing--and holding onto--a job that offers good insurance. Or being wealthy.
A Cancer Drug's Big Price Rise Disturbs Doctors and Patients
The price of cancer medicines is soaring, but the increases
tend to have little relation to the cost of developing or
making the drugs.