Sat 26 Apr, 2003 11:35 am
This morning while my tea was brewing I noticed that my elderly (and usually well behaved) dog was gnawing on something. When he saw that I was staring at him, he spit out a red di--the 5-pip side landed up.
We've been in this house (which we built) for 13 years. Children have never lived here. We're not gamblers--the only game in the house is Scrabble and Scrabble is not played with dice.
Obviously the Red Di (5-pips uppermost) is an Omen of Significence. What could it mean?
Obviously, five is lucky. Do whatever you can involving the number five.
Or else it's unlucky. Do whatever you can to avoid the number five.
One of those.
That'll be $50, please. I have my eye on this groovy new crystal ball...
No outside workmen were involved in construction. We built the house ourselves, with friends. Break times were devoted to chatter and debate, not hap-hazard frivolity.
You're bang-on about Laddie being a dog of many come-backs. He's 15, going-on-16, now which is old for a shepherd/collie cross. (The larger the dog, the shorter the life.)
Oddly, he's not one to pick up inedible objects....
Obviously your potential personal flux has infected your practical prognostications. Still, since the ambiguity comes from a Wise Woman, I'll take it under advisement.
It is obvious that the dog has swallowed the die while being outside (he could not do this inside the house since you claim that you do not keep dice at home). The dog is not prone to pick inedible items? Well, this time it erred.
its an obvious omen of things to come. you will need to closely observe his bowel movements for the next five days.
Could the dog have picked it up in a neighbor's yard? Or on the street? Children often throw odd objects out of car windows.
It might have been embedded on the bottom side of a choice bit of garbage left carelessly on the ground. He ate the garbage around it and was left with the die. My dog does that with the pills I slip into her food.
Sorry, Noble Theorists--
Except for three trips to the vet in the last two months, Laddie hasn't left the house or "front" yard. When he's outside, he's either on a leash or a chain.
We're not exactly plunked down in the middle of Untouched Wilderness--the trees were probably last harvested for oak timber for pallets in WW II--but we are off the beaten path.
Edgar Blythe--
Thanks for the correct spelling of "die".
scramble red five and you get refried. The dog wants some beans.
thats frijoles to you little missy
the letters don't work right for frijoles!
little k--
He usually requests animal protein....
hmmm, maybe he needs a change?
Play five in the lottery.
It's obvious your dog is a gambler. Keep him away from the casinos.

Little k is correct, of course, the dog wants refried beans. You will not give it to him.
Thanks all.
I've decided that the Five Pips must be "five for the symbols at my door" and I'll put out my welcome mat.
aaaah! Glad you got it figured out.
I'm not only theoretically on top of the situation, I've organized a hunt for the other four symbols.
For an adult, Hunting Symbols is much more fun than chasing Easter Eggs.