The 'N word' briefly revisited

Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 06:09 pm
Looks like Melatonin does a lot more than you gave it credit for A.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 06:16 pm
the only problem I have with black americans that they are not white like me.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 06:34 pm
You look red and beige to me.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 09:37 pm

You have to check this out
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 10:43 pm

That's just what you do all the time Snood, you're so looking to see where people hate you because of some extra melatonin your skin, that you can't see that maybe they aren't talking to you because you're such a downer every single second.

Yup, you sure got me pegged Chai, right down to the socks.

Or, you're so clueless an original thought would die of lonliness in your echo chamber of a brain.

Six of one, half dozen of the other....

And if you have such a low opinion of me and my subject matter, you should probably save yourself some angst and me some trouble translating your third grade remarks and just not bother trying to address what I bring up.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2006 10:49 pm
For those of you with the inclination to examine the phenomenon of the N Word further...

I recommend nigger by Randall Kennedy (Rhodes Scholar, law clerk to Thurgood Marshall, faculty member Harvard Law School)

and Race Matters by Cornell West (professor of Afro American Studies and Philosophy at Princeton University)
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 12:14 am
Chai Tea wrote:
Looks like Melatonin does a lot more than you gave it credit for A.

You're right and I see you did your homework, but you know, those copy and paste jobs are usually a lot less ineffective as a learning tool than reading and actually thinking about something and integrating it into your own fund of knowledge and experience before you adopt or adapt what someone else has written, click the mouse and submit it as what you believe to be fact. That's why most teachers require three sources, two besides the internet, and routinely fail anything that looks even remotely copy and pasted.
(Just so you know my source was Dorland's Medical Dictionary and it gave all the information you posted. I read it and understood it, but as it wasn't at all germaine to your assertion and this discussion, I decided not to include it).

And before you all gather your strength together and start trying to blow your mighty ( Laughing ) and evil winds - just know this - you can say, think, do and believe anything you want and it won't change my behavior. I govern my own behavior and there's absolutely nothing you can say, think do or believe to or about me that will change that. Save your energy.

Now Chai, I think Snood gave you a very appropriate reading assignment.
You might have to go to the library though to find those books (or you could order them from Amazon). If you need help accessing them, let me know, I'll be happy to help you out with that.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 06:14 am

shari - that site is really great....some are really well done....I'll have to look at them more carefully later.

snood and aidan...(note - there is absolutely no sarcasm in the following)
I apologize if somehow my communication style is such that it offends both of you. I would like to take a moment to express myself to each of you separately so we may better understand each other, and perhaps even become friendly.

If I may snood, please consider this a temporary hijacking of your thread. I just feel very strongly about all this in order to clear the air amongst us and maintain friendly relations.

First, I'd like to address Aidan if I may....

Aidan: I see we have both been around for approximatley the same amount of time, and both have racked up a good amount of posts. So, it would appear neither one of us are "new kids on the block". However, to be honest, I can't for the life of me recall ever engaging in conversation with you before, so I don't really know anything about you.

This may be entirely my fault, as I am a very visual person, and sometimes rely on someones avatar rather than their name to identify them. If you've recently changed yours, I may not have reconnected you yet. Good Lord, my new (and temporary) avatar freaks me out. (Who IS that person pretending to be little old me?)

So, since I don't recall you from any other threads, I'd like to address you as a friendly stranger.

Regarding my copy and paste job....Please don't be so quick to judge me. I carefully read both before cutting and pasting. To me it was very interesting and honestly felt others might enjoy taking a break from the main subject and put things in prespective about what color difference (as well as getting a good night sleep) is really all about. Honestly, this post wasn't addressed entirely to you aidan. I'm aware there are other people out there reading this too. I'm surprised I would have to explain that to you..if you remember me from anywhere, you would see that I seldom employ the cut and paste. If you don't know me, it's an error for you to judge someone from the one or two posts you had just finished reading.

I don't have any mighty or evil winds. I am well beyond a third grade education. I don't want to change or govern your behavior. I don't even know what your behavior is, since I don't even know you.

I say the below with absolutely no sarcasm, so please don't read any more into it than what I write here.
I hope I have given you an interesting reading assignment. I don't need any help in the library thanks, as I'm quite literate (my spelling may suck sometimes, since I read quickly and am not examining each word) and have spent countless hours there.

Again, since I don't know you Aidan, I don't know what I've done exactly to warrant your immediate sarcasm in your first post to me in this thread. My using an incorrect word could have just been pointed out....instead you chose to make it into a little character assassination.

That may be okay too...that may just be your schtick.

So no, I'm not trying to trespass on your particular domain. I was not cutting and pasting just to exercise my fingers. However, what I was addressing to Snood was what I was addressing to Snood, not you.

If it was a general post, that's different. But from what I can recall, that particular post was speaking directly to Snood, not you. It's fine that you interupted, it's just that the way you did it wasn't to enhance the discussion, but merely to point out someones foibles. No harm, no foul. If you're doing that to me, at least that's time you're not doing it to someone else.

Please take this in the spirit given Aidan....I really don't remember you from anywhere in particular. And frankly, I wasn't talking to you. Saying this that I have no intent of changing you, but, in the same vein, that gives me the same right to express myself. I hope we can get a better relationship going....Deal? Cool

Snood - Maybe you also have taken me wrong, for that I apologize. I've seen you around, but obviously not enough to know you that well. The only clear image I have of you is from a thread you started a while back regarding your cat and it's funny way of meowing. I know that someone who cares enough about their pet to ask a question about their well being has to have a lot of good in them. I'm going by that premise.

To me at this time, you are mostly the man who loves his cat enough to worry about it. That I think, is a wonderful thing. From that I know you love and care. That's how I'll probably keep thinking about you, since those are the most important qualities in life to have. If someone thinks of me as the person who care about other living beings in their care, I'd be proud.

That said...I can't even begin to address you other comments. I see from looking back that it doesn't seem to matter what's going on, you'll choose to see the one speck of darkness. I know nothing of your life background and I just don't care about this enough right now to go there.

If there is any one thing I'd like you to remember is this...No Snood, I don't have you pegged....you're very complex and it would take a long time to know you. I don't run into you here that often to have the opportunity to do that. Please remember though, you don't run into me that often either.....So, you can't say that you have me pegged.

To both Aidan and Snood....Yes, I am long winded. I know sometimes people make fun of that. I make fun of that myself. So I'd appreciate if neither of you comment on the length of this post....This is truly the way I express myself. It's central to my being and I can tell the difference between friends ribbing me and others simply saying I talk to much.

Both of you.....I wish neither of you ill will.....and I hope you wish the same for me.

To segway back to the topic....this is how I treat offensive words, and believe most people do the same.

Thanks for listening for a moment....vaya con carne....ttfn
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 06:26 am
Sorry, back again for a moment.

Aidan...I just read your profile for the first time. It shocked me so much I had to come back here.

Some of the quotes you have there...How differently you appear to be in contrast to how you addressed me.

You speak of love and living in your heart, etc. but choose to make comments about a strangers education level and intent.

Now I'm really confused.........you may come back and say you refuse to hate me, that you have love in your heart, and the picture in your avatar smiles so pleasantly......but why the cruel words about lack of education and evil winds? This isn't an encouragement to argue Aidan. I'm sure you see no contradiction.

hmmmm, I'm feeling sad about all this now, since I feel this is futile.

Read my profile. There's no question to the truth about me being there.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 06:59 am
Chai - Interesting and impressive- and I'm sincerely giving you credit here. One thing you can believe about me is that I am not in any way an insincere person. I simply usually respond to whomever I'm addressing in the manner in which I'm addressed.

You're right - you weren't talking directly to me. But what I read in your post to Snood was extremely sarcastically stated. That set the tone for my response. Now, I can't even begin to speak for Snood - because I seriously barely know anything of him- and from what I've read he's a complex guy, so I'd never even begin to try to make any assumptions about what he thinks about what you wrote in that last post before I responded.

But I'll tell you how it affected me. It seemed to me to be ridiculing aspects of Snood's existence as a black person. It seemed to me to be written in such a way as to wound and belittle. And even though it wasn't addressed to me - it was wounding to me - to see another person ridiculed in such a way. And just suffice it to say that I've had experiences where I've watched people (black, white or otherwise) very close to me have their concerns or dignity disregarded by thoughtless and insensitive remarks (even made in jest) about their race, religion, physical attributes, intellectual abilities or lack there of - and because I'm an out there kind of person who just says whatever I think and am ridiculously loyal and protective to boot - I felt like I had to jump in and maybe even do a little wounding back- mostly to just make the ridiculing stop.

Sorry if I hurt you - truly - I'd never make fun of anyone's lack of education, and I wasn't doing that to you - because as you've said, I have no information about you, and no reason to assume that's the case. I just took advantage of the one concrete entry you gave me- and that was the misuse of melatonin. The other post about the copy and paste was in reference to the kind of ganging up return to ridicule that happened overnight on the thread- it reminded me of highschool, (people banding together and acting silly to mask the issue) - which I teach - and so I reacted as if I was talking to someone in my class.

You know, this could be such a positive medium so it's hard to watch people try to communicate what is meaningful to them and have it ridiculed. And maybe that's all this space is to some people - a place to build themselves up by putting others down or by shunning them or pigeonholing them into whatever space they've determined they think they belong- but it could be so much more positive and productive than that - and that's why I'm never gonna just sit back and shut up - even when I know (because I've had it expressed in backhanded and round about ways) that what I'm saying is not especially appreciated or popular with the folks who feel they own the power around here.

I respect your honesty. What you just did is really impressive and productive and might even help us see each other's viewpoint and facilitate understanding and communication- and that's worth something.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 07:31 am
aidan wrote:
You're right - you weren't talking directly to me. But what I read in your post to Snood was extremely sarcastically stated. That set the tone for my response. Now, I can't even begin to speak for Snood - because I seriously barely know anything of him- and from what I've read he's a complex guy, so I'd never even begin to try to make any assumptions about what he thinks about what you wrote in that last post before I responded.

But I'll tell you how it affected me. It seemed to me to be ridiculing aspects of Snood's existence as a black person. It seemed to me to be written in such a way as to wound and belittle. And even though it wasn't addressed to me - it was wounding to me - to see another person ridiculed in such a way. And just suffice it to say that I've had experiences where I've watched people (black, white or otherwise) very close to me have their concerns or dignity disregarded by thoughtless and insensitive remarks (even made in jest) about their race, religion, physical attributes, intellectual abilities or lack there of - and because I'm an out there kind of person who just says whatever I think and am ridiculously loyal and protective to boot - I felt like I had to jump in and maybe even do a little wounding back- mostly to just make the ridiculing stop.

Thanks for responding Aidan....First, you are right, my comment to Snood was sarcastic, and I meant it to be. I was using the device of sarcasm to point out (in just my opinion) how silly he was being....I was (I thought) obviously joking about larry f. and he took it seriously.

Ask anyone who know me here. I am sarcastic. Sarcasm points out the elephant in the room. I am blunt. I am funny. I don't dance around issues (or wolves)

To finally clear the air....Snood is a grown man, he doesn't need anyone to rush into his rescue. The fact you did is water under the bridge, at the time however, it felt intrusive to what I was communicating to another person. I suppose I see this forum sometimes as a big cocktail party...lots of people who know each other, interacting, but sometimes two people are saying something to each other, and even if you can hear them, you know it's between them.

One thing I have learned in life is to not immediately jump in, but to observe to see which way the winds are blowing over the long term.

hehe....If you were to read the way I've back and forthed with some on A2K.....but if you had jumped in, both of us would have laughed and told you to get back.

I see you're a teacher....what level do you teach? What subject?
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 09:19 am
Chai - There really is no contradiction in my profile and in how or why I responded to your post. Yeah, I can be really sarcastic at times - especially when I know that sincerity will most probably be laughed at - it's a way to be heard - and I use it sometimes. I don't hate you - or anyone on this forum - I wouldn't burden myself in that way - and you can believe that or choose not to - but I'm telling you the truth.

I wasn't necessarily taking up for Snood - he's a man who I'm sure doesn't need anyone to take up for him. I was voicing my own displeasure about what I saw communicated.
I have two interracial kids. The black man I married is the most intelligent, caring, and sensitive person I know and continues to be my best friend to this day. When I see them stereotyped in any way - whether it's meant as a joke or not - I jump in. Because it's never a joke to them - believe me when I tell you that.

I teach Geometry to kids who are at risk of not passing. In the US, I was called a Special Services teacher - here I'm a tutor assigned to kids who are having problems and need a slower, more in-depth approach. Most of them are young men of African or Western Caribbean descent between the ages of l6 and l8. I love them all dearly. I can't stand to hear anyone say anything that demeans who they are or that would make them feel less about themselves in any way if they were to hear it.

That's my story- hope it explains things.

PS - If I was dismissive or hurtful to you - I'm sorry - but you referenced Snood's sense of humor - and I guess I thought I could assume you had one too. I guess I mistakenly tried to make a joke out of something that turned out not to strike you as funny - I'm truly sorry about that. Reminds me that we never know what someone else might be carrying that they just can't laught about, I guess.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 01:42 pm
Chai said (in an unsolicited pm to me)
Funny, I have never felt it necessary to mention the race of my husband on A2K. I don't have children, but if I did, I wouldn't feel the need to bring up their parentage....nor have I ever found it germaine to discuss the race of those I work for, with, under or supervisory over.....

I wonder about those that have to do that, as if it has anything to do with anything. Basically, who cares?

That's the point Chai - I care- probably moreso because my husband, children, and students are black - so it is germaine to the discussion, but I also think I'd care more than you seem to even if they weren't.

I said I respected your honesty - cancel that. You tried to depict yourself as a confused and hurt little peacemaker here in front of everyone on this thread and then took off the mask on that sweet little pm you sent me. I'm going to respect your privacy enough not to reprint the whole thing - what's the point - but your true colors showed through - let's just put it that way.

Don't pm me again. I have nothing to say to you. And if you hang out on threads race baiting people because you're "bored" , as you stated, you probably need to get a life.

P.S. I made no mention of your level of education in any of my posts. And I think I've determined that there's pretty much nothing else you could ever teach me about life or anything else - so don't ever feel the need to be neighborly or communicate with me in any way again - thanks anyway.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 02:13 pm
I had no idea Aidan that PM were only to be sent when solicited.

There was a reason it is called PRIVATE messaging.

as I said, as you keep going on and on about the race of your husband....I haven't felt it necessary to mention the race of mine...

Your lack of decorum is apalling Aidan, it is the height of rudness to speak of private conversations. Have you never been taught that....? Were you brought up in a cave?

As for baiting people of other races....I will challenge anyone anywhere to find an example of that.

I would also challenge anyone to point out where I have ever acted confused. That is utterly absurd.

You have such a huge race card plastered to the front of your face, you can't even see past your nose.....you are a very ignorant person. Go ahead and post anything I have to say.....I would advice though that no one ever pm you....you are not trustworthy in any sense of the word.

As a matter of fact, here is my PM in its entirety for all the world to see…I wasn't trying to hide anything to fool, I was trying to speak privately.

Funny, I have never felt it necessary to mention the race of my husband on A2K. I don't have children, but if I did, I wouldn't feel the need to bring up their parentage....nor have I ever found it germaine to discuss the race of those I work for, with, under or supervisory over.....

I wonder about those that have to do that, as if it has anything to do with anything. Basically, who cares?

Privately now, so I can be clearer.....I don't want any damn fight with you. I don't have anything to prove to anyone....Like what kind of work I do, my education level or who I'm married to.....

The bottom line is....the thread snood has started ran out of steam a long time ago....no matter what anyone says, he turns it around to play the race card....he just does.....I've read more of him than I've admitted....and he's just an angry man.

He does a very common thing that many people do....when he feels defensive, he cries out in a post that you are defensive....when someone asks a question.....he questions their motives.

I was making a last ditch effort to point out his absurd reactions. Which as you can see, was an utter failure. No skin off my nose....Frankly, you derailed where I was trying to lead the discussion by your interuption...eternal optimist, I was hoping to rile him enough to get him to talk.....Unfortuanatly, your jumping in validated his irrational thoughts, and now it's lost. Oh well, life goes on....

Honestly, I had no interest in even talking to you....but, I was trying to be neighborly. Mostly, I don't think it's fair to have to force other people in A2K to wallow through back and forths which aren't going anywhere, and make both parties look petty.

I'm not gonna bother reading over what I wrote that got you so bent out of shape. Because I know I was not taking away from his black dignity or manhood or african american-ness or any other pc wording.....I wasn't talking to a black man...I was talking to a man......I was going nowhere near his core of being.

If someone said hello to snood, he'd think they were doing it because of whatever color he is.
If someone didn't say hello to snood, he'd think they weren't because of whatever color he is.

Haven't you seen that?

Snood is paranoid enough without others pointing out shadows to him.

So, since you are a teacher, perhaps you can look at this as a learning opportunity...

Sometimes a persons motives may not be immediatley clear, they are laying a foundation for further discourse. So don't be so quick to jump in and save another persons core.....you might be knocking down someone's work in progress.

If you want to respond, fine, if not, fine........I don't really care.........actually, I thought this particular thread was boring as hell, just something to pass the time.

gotta go babe, have to be in a meeting in 7 minutes....later gator.

You are a disgrace to the human race Aidan, you have no concept of confidence, privacy, decorum and are sorely lacking in any sort of social skills....Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to have a conversation with you.....you are the type of person commonly called a sneak.

I wasn't trying to teach you anything....you function on your own....but it is obvious someone needs to teach you something.

I didn't even finish reading your drivil here....you disgust me. How I could have avoided knowing such a nasty person here for so long is a blessing.

Now I feel cursed. Like I have to go wash my hands to rid myself of your vile stench.

Shame, shame shame on you.....you are a horrible horrible person. Thank God I don't have to look at your devious face.

Devious, nasty, horrible, terrible person. That's what you are.

Now, I suppose I'm the childish one. At least I don't discuss items brought up in confidence. That is shameful. You are shameful. Shame Shame Shame.

I really do wish there was a place to officially warn others about people like you....not to send a PRIVATE message unless one wants to have it clumsily used against them.

You are low and base and have no idea of trust.

Snood, I cannot really apologize to you regarding what this terrible woman chose to reveal during what I considered a private conversation....I have a good idea you knew that was my thinking anyway.

It is however unfortunate that someone I stupidly gave credit for being an adult doesn't undertand the meaning of the word private.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2006 03:06 pm
Chai Tea wrote:

I wish shewolf's spleen would get better, cause then I'd tell her I'm tired on her standing on my caucasian neck......

Whats wrong?
You choking down there?
Pigment-ally challenged woman......... sheesh

Chai Tea wrote:

I don't even have purple nails today....They're cobalt blue.......but nooooooooooooo, shewolf would be all like "you've got cobalt blue nails because a weave takes too long, and you white women can't sit still for more than 10 minutes.

dang shewolf.....

And it aint because your weave takes too long
its because you cant afford it.
You aint got no cheese >sigh< so you get the discount colors

but for some reason.. I like your honkey ass anyway..


A racist?

(( edited to snip shorter ))
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Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 05:32 am
You know Chai - I gotta take it back again- (that's one thing you would get to know about me if you wanted to - nothing is ever written in stone with me)- I do respect your honesty. I'm sorry you feel all those things are true about me - but if that's what you think - that's what you think. I'd rather have it this way -right out in the open instead of cowardly little whispers behind my back.

Don't tread on me - you asked a few pages back if whites were the only race guilty of racism. I had an interesting experience once. I went to a professional meeting for black teachers because a black friend of mine invited me - and she and I were both embarrassed when the speaker kept saying "whites do this" , " whites do that". She said she never noticed before how much it happened, but me sitting there with her really made her more aware.

My point is that we (blacks and whites) don't spend enough time together to ever get to know who we all really are. Unfortunately there's such a miasma of distrust to try to wade through - that it seems kind of doubtless that we ever will.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 05:43 am
is this thread still going on?
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Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 07:01 am
Yep, like a large box of chocolates.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 09:10 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
is this thread still going on?

...after a fashion...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2006 10:32 am
This could keep it alive:

0 Replies

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