Recent studies indicate that homophobes are closet cases. (The studies have been posted here on the political forum.)
Speculation can be baseless or it can be founded in facts.
If I randomly predict that the world will end tomorrow, that is baseless speculation. OTOH if I predict that based on economic indicators, trends, past performance, technical analysis etc that the Dow will climb over 11,000 sometime within the next year that is speculation based on facts.
Your entire post is logically suspect.
Lightwizard wrote:Although I think there is some tongue-in-cheek humor involved with the thread, it's not even entertaining.
Blame Janeane Garafalo. She is the inspiration for this thread. Maybe I have weird taste but I think she is hilarious on The Majority Report and she was in rare form last night. Her first night back returning form the filming of West wing.
I realized where it came from and I don't believe she is entirely serious. Homophobes more likely have a fear of penetration.
What the hell was this guy doing in the whitehouse? What was his business? Did they ever find out?
Amigo wrote:What the hell was this guy doing in the whitehouse? What was his business? Did they ever find out?
No one knows, there is so much corruption going on in this administration, his role has been overlooked.
Amigo wrote:What the hell was this guy doing in the whitehouse? What was his business? Did they ever find out?
If you are strarved for entertainment, visit his website. This guy is a real piece of work.
Buggery in the white house!?!?!
Brokeback Whitehouse!!!!
joefromchicago wrote:Roxxxanne wrote:Speculation can be baseless or it can be founded in facts.
So where are
your facts?
Gosh almighty, this really struck a nerve with Joe. Makes one wonder why.
Oh man, This dude is turning tricks in the White house! What the hell going on in there.
Thats one hell of a private party. They just hide the coke, booze and hookers when those 'pesky media party poopers' come along.
Furthermore, who cares? The tricks could easily be Democrats -- sex for hire doesn't discriminate politics. This is such old news. It's so stale it should be picked up from the shelves and sold at the year old store.
Ohhhh a Democrat would never due such a thing as have sex in the whitehouse.
Lightwizard wrote:Furthermore, who cares? The tricks could easily be Democrats -- sex for hire doesn't discriminate politics. This is such old news. It's so stale it should be picked up from the shelves and sold at the year old store.
what it makes it continue to be worthy of discussion is not the sex's that he was involved with the repubs clearly... fake press pass and all... and was a male whore..... and they have the f**king nerve to take the moral high ground because Clinton had his knob polished... the reason these white house ass holes are so emboldened now is because everyone keeps forgetting what they do and somehow they keep getting a free pass.....
All I know is somebody is "de-briefing" Gannon in a "top secret" "private session"in the whitehouse.
This was all hashed over at the time it happened. We'll unlikely ever know what went on behind closed doors. I think it's hilarious and as he was caught, about as sinister as Inspector Closeau discovering the suction from a vacuum cleaner.
Do you really think Gannon would sleep with a democrat? Have you seen his Blog?
He might charge them extra.
No facts there. Just more insinuations.
Roxxxanne wrote:Gosh almighty, this really struck a nerve with Joe. Makes one wonder why.
And just what exactly do you mean by that?
I'm with Joe. This whole thread seems homophobic. Roxxannes insinuation that Joe may have a nerve struck, also sounds homophobic.
I'm just messing around. I'm from Long Beach California which has a very large gay community. Me and my gay freinds joke like this all the time and roxxxane is from San Fransisco. I don't know about lightwizard.