talk72000 wrote:The term Liberal has become a bogeyman label. If you don't do as Bushites want then you're 'Liberal' meaning you're no good not that the fence sitter is ACTUALLY Liberal.
yup. and yet we hear how the whole iraq thing is about creating a "liberal democracy" in the middle east.
not the first or last example of the bush contradiction.
good news is that everyday fewer people are buying whatever it is that dubby is sellin'.
Dubby is using Liberal in two ways. For invigorating his base he uses 'Liberal' as a bait for the conservatives. But he knows, or at least his handlers know, that the world at large is liberal so he is trying to get the world on board by lying that it is a Liberal democracy in Iraq.
If you will excuse me for just one second.....coughing up a furball here. Uh, what makes you think to some others you aren't a fantatic? What makes it ok for you and others that think like you to run around labeling people and making offensive comments about them?
So, you don't agree with what they believe. Fine. They don't agree with you I would imagine. Why do you feel it necessary to start a thread just so you can make derogatory comments like these?
Now, I don't deny your right whatsoever to do this. You have the right to believe it's the truth if that's what you believe.
I would just like someone to answer a question for me. Why is it ok for you and those that think like you to decide that those you call fanatics are wrong? What gives you the right to tell them what they believe is fairytales, stupidity, etc. Now, I am not literally saying you actually said all these things. It's a compilation of things I have read by you and others.
Talk, if you could explain to me why it is ok for you to try to impose your beliefs on others by ridiculing someone it would greatly help me to understand. Because I just don't understand it at all.
I don't understand why it's ok for some to do this and not for others. I am not trying to make anyone angry or anything of the sort. I really would like an answer to this question.
So you would rather everyone suck up the garbage that the right spews out as though we were 5 year old childern and bush and his government were our parents. Most of the things wrong with our country is from the attitude that says dont think for yourself just do as your told. As Bush says so often "trust me".
I take it you were asking that of me? I don't recall saying that anyone should suck up to anyone for anything.
I think most of the things wrong with our country is that SOME people think only SOME of the people in our country are responsible for ALL that is wrong.
I think that ALL the people in this world are responsible for SOME of the stuff that is wrong. I think that we ALL need to stop complaining about what we think other people are doing wrong and take a good, long, hard look at what it is each of us individually are doing to add to the situation.
I think SOME people should stop blaming SOME people for EVERYTHING. I think the only person I can change is MYSELF. I think that if I just complain about what is wrong than I will never be part of the solution but will always be part of the problem.
I think that people who attack other people for thinking for themselves are in the wrong. Your post left me with the impression that you think I dont have the right to disagree with things that are blantely wrong like spying on american citizens without court approval.
I honestly gave you that impression? Hey, I'm sorry. That's not the impression I was trying to give you at all. I completely respect your right to think whatever you want to think no matter who agrees with it or not.
From your post that I responded to I got the impression you were blaming one group of people for at least most of the ills going on right now. I know that when discussing things and having to do it with the typed word some nuances are just left out.
I am just not a person that complains about things a lot. I may vent every now and then but I don't hang on to things. I wish that more energy could be spent on finding solutions instead of complaining about the problems.
I apologize for giving you the impression you got.
McGentrix's sig:
"The administration's judgment on the threat posed by Iraq, represented the collective view of the intelligence community and was shared by Republicans and Democrats alike."
Y'know, I think that is the sad, awful truth, at least from where I stand.
WAKE UP!! (in general)
Now is not the time to point fingers, cut up the people into left/right black/white.
That's what the selfish, greedy ones want.
Now is the time to fight a war. A war against HUMANITY.
It's in the hearts and hands of all of us.
Moma Angel
Im also sorry if I misunderstood what you posted. But I resent it when someone tells me I have to believe something because a politician, democrat or republican, tells me I have to believe something just because they say so. I am more liberal than anything but I always try to assimilate all the facts, which seems harder and harder to do because our government seems to believe that the fewer facts I can access the better off I am. Of course any thinking person knows that the government always uses the secret label to cover thier behinds and protect themselves from backlash. Trust me is the phrase that will eventually enslave us.
No problem. I hear what you're saying. Sometimes I just don't know what to believe about what's going on in the world today. It can be pretty frustrating, sickening, and extremely sad. Sometimes it's hard to keep a positive outlook but I do my best to do that. All I can do is try to fix the things I can and be the best I can be.
It doesn't seem like much but if each individual in the world did it can you imagine what might happen?