Gus, those damn torture machines are big enough for most women, even my cousin who wears a size 44FF bra. She's always complainging that wherever she goes, her boobs arrive 15 minutes before the rest of her. No matter the size, the squish and the squash are not pleasant.
Husker, you are a good reminder that men can and do get breast cancer and that they are much less likely to get checked.
Eva, it would have been fun for you to be here with me to pig out. A gallon might work for you, Jo and me. Well, maybe more.
Boomer, I know you will be sure to tell Gus what he can put in a vise. Hah!
Phoenix, it does make you stop and think, even though the risk is fairly small. Thanks for the good wishes.
Hey Joe! I'll bet you're another softy. No lies, he really is sweet.
Dyslexia, the fact that you posted this shoaws you are clearly thinking of her and are concerned, which makes me think you are a guy that can handle things.
I think she would be happy to hear of your concerns.
If neither of you really wnat to talkabout things then just let her be aware that you are happy to talk when she is ready.
Im sure youl deal with it well, sometimes sll people want is to be listened to.
Hey, Diane, glad to read all's well. Those are fun, eh? I do so love being told, "You breathed, we gotta do 'em over again." I think they did my right one five or six times last time (I have fibrocystic breast disease, so there's a, shall we say, topography going on in there). I tend to nap after the fun. Then the ice cream.
Yikes, Jespah, when they say don't breathe, I don't breathe, even when I'm turning beet red.
There was a cartoon in the New Yorker showing a man standing in front of a woman who has rectangular looking boobs sticking straight out. The caption reads, (man speaking) "I see you had a mammogram today." Every woman can identify with that.
Oprah was saying with Dr Oz something how important it is to get a pap and pelvic along with the famous colonoscopy.
Diane, you say one breast was done at a 45% angle and the other at a 90% angle. Didn't you know you have to stand up straight?
BTW, I'm happy and relieved.
Hi Diane,
I am so thrilled to hear that you are okay!!!!!