xingu wrote:Nothing false here. Many conservative Christians attack other religions and beliefs. Christianity is based on violence and intolerance of competing religions. In their prothesizing they are always selling the superiority of their faith and God's willingness to save them and reject all others.
Let's see.
Fairly vague terms, but emotionally charged these days.
Do you believe that your view of things is correct and that another's view (like the conservative Christians that you are trashing) is not correct?
Could that be seen by others as 'superiority' and even 'intolerance' on your part -- in the same way that you think you perceive it in others?
Do you 'attack' the beliefs of conservative Christians, or others with whom you strongly disagree (not only religious views, but possibly political views and other issues as well)? Or could others view your statements about those with whom you disagree as 'attacks' ?
You are very good at pushing emotional buttons and using charged language, but I wonder if you apply the same standard to yourself?