I knew people would gather in astonished groups upon that revelation.
You people need a hobby, something to occupy your time; how about bowling?
Joe(stop posting here)Nation
I eschew sports requiring balls.
Isn't Ereyemil the cutest?
Should we elect him to something?
He's in his 40's. Did you really think that was a picture of him?
OK, can we elect his avatar to something?
met with an A2K'er who is active, in real life, in trying to abolish government
no one can be elected to anything
I would like to abolish this thread.
I've got a cell number for an anarchist.
I wonder if he'd be willing to help you, LTX.
You've got the cell number for the Anti-Christ!!?
Joe(Holy moley)Nation
Bow down.
Bow down low.
It's the least you can do.
Bow, squat, or lift up your leg? Tehehe
That reminds me.
Algernon needs to go to the carwash.
that hurt