Pardon me, 'scuze me, coming through, sorry, pardon me. psst, ehbeth, what are all these people doing here and why is Joe still in the shower? I thought you gave him back his pants hours ago. mmmmmm, good brownies, thanks! <munch, smack, munch> Are you going to sell those pictures of Joe's butt?
I brought a pitcher of margaritas and some peanuts. Want some? I see that Crayola kid hasn't been back in a while. I've got a bone to pick with him.
Wassup, Intrepid? Margarita? Peanuts?
Hey, didn't you see the sign?

No food or drink in here.
<Tae-Bo kicks Intrepid's tiny sign>
Pix! I've got pix - get over here, J_B.
Turns out you knew eggzactly where to shine that flashlight
this thread is stupid!
did i win?!?!?
Intrepid almost won, though.
Did I hear someone laughing in here?
Nahhhh .... nothing going on here at all; this thread ended days ago.
Don't worry, it will come back to you eventually.
Was it about diamonds?
Or window cleaners?
Wow, it sure got quiet in here for a while...