Why do you think I have the record, Nick?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I will put down one thousand dollars on J_B
I am that confident.
Thank you, gus. Your confidence in my thread killing abilities have not gone unnoticed.
I will always...ALWAYS....be in your corner, J_B.
You can take that to the bank.
Dag can keep taking bets. I'll be back in the morning to close this thread for good.
Well, THIS time you aren't gonna do it.
well, we'll see about that.
Let's hear it for 10 bucks against J-B closing the thread tomorrow!
While you're gone, J_B, I'm gonna rough up that NickFun guy. I didn't like the tone of voice he was using when he was talking to you.
Tough one. I invoked Godwin's Law twice in the same sentence, a hundred pages ago, to no effect.
In walks the king of thread killers.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I will always...ALWAYS....be in your corner, J_B.
You can take that to the bank.
Aaaaah! Fortunate JB.
With Gus at one's back, who could ever want for affront?
Dlowan, I am going to use that story of yours on the board at some point in the near future.
The one with you leaning on the guy and the following consequences.
Amusing, in an antipodean sort of way.
A new day, gang. Anyone come up with a fascinating story to start our morning?
Gus, early this morning, while carrying one of his capybaryas out to the pasture, was struck by a thought.
No. Wait, that couldn't happen.
Oh, he was struck by something utterly fantastic.
You guys figure out how he got under the cow.
Joe(shut this thread now)Nation
Slow day today. It's looking good for a late night closeout.
I think that people are holding back, before a big barrage!
We'd better pre-empt them, then ...
Now THATS a big barrage!
Ninh, you seem to be retaining fluid.