The elegant way of saying that is, "Pardonez moi, s'il vous plait, (or some such thing! :wink: )
Go hump a goat.
Elegant indeed.
Lucky I dinna say "Wot"?
That's smarty fluff to you, eyeball.
Maybe it's easier to walk on water than to stop an unpredictable
diatribe in Diabat.Which is what I almost had while wandering the sand dunes by Jimmy Hendrix's hangout recently. He wrote the song "castles in the sand " so maybe it is easier to build castles in the sand than to stop this fine piece of A2K sewing...opps
I meant threading....if thats a word.
There's a damn cow in here now.
can't we all just get along?
I hate sneezing!
Is that for me Phoenix32890 ..."Your magnificent ver....... ?
Oh! It's that pesky rabbits verbiage ?Oh for a moment there....
Why is Deb so irritated today?
So does anyone think this thread will ever end?
Thank you very mush.