exhaustive googling has unearthed the following:
the "you can call me" routine originated on the redd foxx show in the mid-70's.
norm crosby later did the commercial -- for natural lite beer...
Call me surprised to realize it's almost allergy season.
Have you got anything for my itchy ear?
Don't stick things in your ear, Bethie.
Haven't you been told that a hundred times?
At least nothing smaller than your elbow
<crackle crackle crackle>
At least nothing smaller than your elbow
Smaller than my elbow?
Will a pin work?
I think that this thread is lagging. What can we do to spice it up? Maybe have a bake sale!
I make a pretty great apple pie. Who else wants to contribute!
This thread is SUPPOSED to lag. It's gotta end sometime!
Stop posting here or the dog gets it
Drop the gun. Samson has a rifle and he knows how to use it.
Sampson and I both reached for the gun at the same time. He actually got to the gun first but was at a disadvantage in not having opposable thumbs.